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Blog Posts (38)
- Cryptid Coloring Page
I drew this adorable cryptid fairy garden coloring page click this link to purchase it for yourself for only $5 and make sure to tag #MarvelousMagicalMiniatures and #FairyFindr when you color it and post it! Please also email it to me at if you want it featured on the blog like today's FairyFindr Fam... Jessiah! This is my friend and super talented artist, Jessiah from Portland, Oregon, and he was the lucky guy who got the original coloring page! He makes some incredible artwork which I will link you to after his new brand relaunch! He did such a beautiful job bringing color and life to this scene of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! I loveeeeeee the rainbow gnome hat and the colors on the jackalope and Moth Man! Thank you all for stopping by tonight! PS if you join my Patreon you can get this coloring page for free *wink wink* If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures
- FairyFindr meets Claire the Fairy Whisperer--- The Podcast!
Welcome back FairyFindrs, I'm so excited to announce that I've been featured on The Fairy Whispering Podcast by Claire Casely , who hosts one of the best podcasts on fairies and paranormal experiences. She was such a gracious host thank you Claire for this opportunity to share some of my stories with you, as well as my art, music, and story! You can watch the podcast in video form here or watch it right here, just below! You can also stream it on any of the podcasting platforms under The Fairy Whispering Podcast! I really poured my heart into this one and didn't hold back at all with my emotions or story. Thank you all for listening and being a part of the FairyFindr Family , you guys inspire me so much and I'm so glad we can be on this journey of life together through the fairies connecting us all! You can access the show notes, more photos of my art and any extra links mentioned in the podcast, on Claire's blog on her website: Its crazy, I was watching the video today and just as I was talking about my cats playing with light orb fairies in my house, at timestamp 25:18 a bright light orb shoots above my head! Boy do the fairies have a sense of humor, they needed to make an appearance for the show!! Bravo! You can see a clip of the light orb right here below! I dig into many of my lifelong experiences of the paranormal, fairies, and gnomes. These stories aren't easy to tell the world when most of the world will just think you're crazy and throw you in a mental institution. As someone who already has mental health struggles, which I also speak about on the episode, its extra scary, so thank you all for being a safe space and allowing me to share these unbelievable, yet true, stories with you all. In the episode, Claire pulled this oracle card for me! It ended up being a being one that was very synchronistic, a monopod looking sphinx character on a harp, which I had been seeing a lot of these beings lately and wondering what they are called. Just the day before this podcast, I spotted some of them on some vintage concrete planters behind a funeral home! A few weeks before that I also spotted quite a few of these creatures at the DIA Detroit Institute of Arts , an amazing vintage art museum in Downtown Detroit, one being this lovely sphinx monopod table ! I'd never heard of a sphinx monopod before but it seems to be pretty popular in vintage art, architecture, furniture, and decor. I took to reddit to ask the masses on their opinion about what this entity truly was, as sphinx monopod didn't sound like it fit the bill, although some agreed it was a sphinx monopod, the major consensus was: either a Harpy , a sphinx monopod , or the original version of a Siren . Thank you Claire for this wonderful opportunity, I had a lovely time, and it was wonderful to share some of my experiences with someone who not only believes me but has had similar experiences, herself! Much love to you all! ✨🦋✨🦋 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀 ✨ ✨🦋✨🦋 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at May the fae and gnomes bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures
- Pop-Up Fairy Garden Toolboxes
What's up my gorgeous FairyFindrs! I've been busy as a Fairy-Bee this spring collecting things for Ye Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! I have been gathering lot's of free toys, miniature plants, and of course trash that I find, who doesn't love a good trash find amirite? I'm all about reduce, reuse, recycle and I try my hardest to include that into 100% of my art and creations. We have FAR too much trash in this world, why do we even have landfills? Why do people just throw shit out of their windows and on to the ground, it doesn't make any sense. We are a part of this planet, Mother Nature needs us to nurture her so she can nurture us back! ( Magazine Collage by Me, ADHDalex 2023 For Sale: $30 ) The fairies (or fae/other folk as they prefer to be called) are all about reusing materials! When you read folklore and stories about the fae and it describes their way of life it always includes using all the resources that they can find to the most of its abilities and even finding new uses for old objects! Just like the fae, we are creators as humans, and with a little creativity and A LOT of hard work we can create a space and life for ourselves and others that is beautiful and renewing. Mother Earth is so resilient, we just have to give her a helping hand as the stewards of this planet. Touch and grow plants, tell them they're beautiful, tell the bee it is lovely when you see it pollinating on a flower nearby, thank the sun for its rays that shine upon our faces and bring us renewed joy and life to the plants and animals and beings of planet earth! Our perspective ends up being our whole world so why not make it a magical one filled with wonder, love for this planet and all its creatures, and spreading joy!? I recently created this on-the-go fairy garden making toolbox with tons of little fairy garden figures and toys, some tools, sandpaper, wood glue, rocks, etc. and I've used it 3 or 4 times to create little pop-up fairy gardens whenever I find a majestic old tree that looks like a perfect fairy kingdom! I’m going to be making some lightweight fairy garden on-the-go kits VERY soon so stay on the lookout! 👀 I’ll be posting links on this blog and on my socials about how to purchase them when they are ready! I was out working doing Uber Eats, DoorDash, and InstaCart orders the other morning and it was a slow period in between orders so I took a little break at Heritage Park in Taylor, Michigan. I grew up going to this park but we usually only went to the one side of it, so this day I decided to check out a different part of the park. I look out across the field and I spot a few really old looking and tall trees, grab my book, and head on over. I was in complete awe as I walk up to this beautiful tree and absolutely thrilled to find a perfect fairy door already made out of the archway of the roots and I just couldn’t leave it behind. I instantly ran back to my car and grabbed my on-the-go fairy garden toolbox and built this beautiful fairy garden under this marvelous tree right behind the kids playground next to a picnic table and right next to the bathroom building in Heritage Park! It was such a magical experience I even took this timelapse video of me making it!! I had such an amazing experience making this pop-up fairy garden and I hope this inspires you to go make some pop up fairy gardens of your own! Its never too late to embrace joy and magic! Fairies are for everyone and bring joy to young and old, all genders and sexualities, and those from all walks of life. They want to connect with us just as much as we want to connect with them! They want us to embrace nature and the magic nature shows us every day, spend time with plants and bugs and animals and show them love and appreciation! We are far more connected to this planet and all the other beings and plants and energies here than we can ever begin to imagine! Oh by the way look very closely these screenshots I captured of the Timelapse video! There’s little glowing eyes and flying orbs in the fairy door as I build it! Wild!!! And little shadow ent faces in the dark!!!! The elves and gnomes and fae want to be seen you just have to look for them! They will show up to you in the ways you notice most.. it’s all about paying attention to the details!!! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚♂️🧚♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures