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  • Cryptid Coloring Page

    I drew this adorable cryptid fairy garden coloring page click this link to purchase it for yourself for only $5 and make sure to tag #MarvelousMagicalMiniatures and #FairyFindr when you color it and post it! Please also email it to me at if you want it featured on the blog like today's FairyFindr Fam... Jessiah! This is my friend and super talented artist, Jessiah from Portland, Oregon, and he was the lucky guy who got the original coloring page! He makes some incredible artwork which I will link you to after his new brand relaunch! He did such a beautiful job bringing color and life to this scene of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! I loveeeeeee the rainbow gnome hat and the colors on the jackalope and Moth Man! Thank you all for stopping by tonight! PS if you join my Patreon you can get this coloring page for free *wink wink* If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • FairyFindr meets Claire the Fairy Whisperer--- The Podcast!

    Welcome back FairyFindrs, I'm so excited to announce that I've been featured on The Fairy Whispering Podcast  by Claire Casely , who hosts one of the best podcasts on fairies and paranormal experiences. She was such a gracious host thank you Claire for this opportunity to share some of my stories with you, as well as my art, music, and story! You can watch the podcast in video form here or watch it right here, just below! You can also stream it on any of the podcasting platforms under The Fairy Whispering Podcast! I really poured my heart into this one and didn't hold back at all with my emotions or story. Thank you all for listening and being a part of the FairyFindr Family , you guys inspire me so much and I'm so glad we can be on this journey of life together through the fairies connecting us all! You can access the show notes, more photos of my art and any extra links mentioned in the podcast, on Claire's blog on her website: Its crazy, I was watching the video today and just as I was talking about my cats playing with light orb fairies in my house, at timestamp 25:18 a bright light orb shoots above my head! Boy do the fairies have a sense of humor, they needed to make an appearance for the show!! Bravo! You can see a clip of the light orb right here below! I dig into many of my lifelong experiences of the paranormal, fairies, and gnomes. These stories aren't easy to tell the world when most of the world will just think you're crazy and throw you in a mental institution. As someone who already has mental health struggles, which I also speak about on the episode, its extra scary, so thank you all for being a safe space and allowing me to share these unbelievable, yet true, stories with you all. In the episode, Claire pulled this oracle card for me! It ended up being a being one that was very synchronistic, a monopod looking sphinx character on a harp, which I had been seeing a lot of these beings lately and wondering what they are called. Just the day before this podcast, I spotted some of them on some vintage concrete planters behind a funeral home! A few weeks before that I also spotted quite a few of these creatures at the DIA Detroit Institute of Arts , an amazing vintage art museum in Downtown Detroit, one being this lovely sphinx monopod table ! I'd never heard of a sphinx monopod before but it seems to be pretty popular in vintage art, architecture, furniture, and decor. I took to reddit to ask the masses on their opinion about what this entity truly was, as sphinx monopod didn't sound like it fit the bill, although some agreed it was a sphinx monopod, the major consensus was: either a Harpy , a sphinx monopod , or the original version of a Siren . Thank you Claire for this wonderful opportunity, I had a lovely time, and it was wonderful to share some of my experiences with someone who not only believes me but has had similar experiences, herself! Much love to you all! ✨🦋✨🦋 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀 ✨ ✨🦋✨🦋 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at May the fae and gnomes bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Pop-Up Fairy Garden Toolboxes

    What's up my gorgeous FairyFindrs! I've been busy as a Fairy-Bee this spring collecting things for Ye Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! I have been gathering lot's of free toys, miniature plants, and of course trash that I find, who doesn't love a good trash find amirite? I'm all about reduce, reuse, recycle and I try my hardest to include that into 100% of my art and creations. We have FAR too much trash in this world, why do we even have landfills? Why do people just throw shit out of their windows and on to the ground, it doesn't make any sense. We are a part of this planet, Mother Nature needs us to nurture her so she can nurture us back! ( Magazine Collage by Me, ADHDalex 2023 For Sale: $30 ) The fairies (or fae/other folk as they prefer to be called) are all about reusing materials! When you read folklore and stories about the fae and it describes their way of life it always includes using all the resources that they can find to the most of its abilities and even finding new uses for old objects! Just like the fae, we are creators as humans, and with a little creativity and A LOT of hard work we can create a space and life for ourselves and others that is beautiful and renewing. Mother Earth is so resilient, we just have to give her a helping hand as the stewards of this planet. Touch and grow plants, tell them they're beautiful, tell the bee it is lovely when you see it pollinating on a flower nearby, thank the sun for its rays that shine upon our faces and bring us renewed joy and life to the plants and animals and beings of planet earth! Our perspective ends up being our whole world so why not make it a magical one filled with wonder, love for this planet and all its creatures, and spreading joy!? I recently created this on-the-go fairy garden making toolbox with tons of little fairy garden figures and toys, some tools, sandpaper, wood glue, rocks, etc. and I've used it 3 or 4 times to create little pop-up fairy gardens whenever I find a majestic old tree that looks like a perfect fairy kingdom! I’m going to be making some lightweight fairy garden on-the-go kits VERY soon so stay on the lookout! 👀 I’ll be posting links on this blog and on my socials about how to purchase them when they are ready! I was out working doing Uber Eats, DoorDash, and InstaCart orders the other morning and it was a slow period in between orders so I took a little break at Heritage Park in Taylor, Michigan. I grew up going to this park but we usually only went to the one side of it, so this day I decided to check out a different part of the park. I look out across the field and I spot a few really old looking and tall trees, grab my book, and head on over. I was in complete awe as I walk up to this beautiful tree and absolutely thrilled to find a perfect fairy door already made out of the archway of the roots and I just couldn’t leave it behind. I instantly ran back to my car and grabbed my on-the-go fairy garden toolbox and built this beautiful fairy garden under this marvelous tree right behind the kids playground next to a picnic table and right next to the bathroom building in Heritage Park! It was such a magical experience I even took this timelapse video of me making it!! I had such an amazing experience making this pop-up fairy garden and I hope this inspires you to go make some pop up fairy gardens of your own! Its never too late to embrace joy and magic! Fairies are for everyone and bring joy to young and old, all genders and sexualities, and those from all walks of life. They want to connect with us just as much as we want to connect with them! They want us to embrace nature and the magic nature shows us every day, spend time with plants and bugs and animals and show them love and appreciation! We are far more connected to this planet and all the other beings and plants and energies here than we can ever begin to imagine! Oh by the way look very closely these screenshots I captured of the Timelapse video! There’s little glowing eyes and flying orbs in the fairy door as I build it! Wild!!! And little shadow ent faces in the dark!!!! The elves and gnomes and fae want to be seen you just have to look for them! They will show up to you in the ways you notice most.. it’s all about paying attention to the details!!! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Cina's Peeninos!

    Hello FairyFindr Fam ! . I want to be more consistent with my FairyFindr blog because it inspires myself, it inspires others, it brings joy and awareness to mental health, connection to nature and the fae realm and the roots of creativity. We discuss all sorts of things here in the FairyFindr family, without ever holding back. That is why people are inspired by those of us who are open and honest about who and what we are and what they want in life. Today I want to introduce you all to my friend Cina. She is a wonderful, creative, intelligent black female small business owner and mother who really shows resilience and perseverance throughout her whole life and how she runs her business. She's super inspiring to me and many others! I’ve been following her for a little over a year over on Instagram @peeninos ( ) and I absolutely cannot wait until I get a little peen of my own for Ye Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! Without further ado, let’s get into the interview!  (Exxxotica DC, 2022) Please introduce yourself, including your names and your pronouns if you’d like. Tell us a bit about you as a person, artist, and entrepreneur.  Answer : Hi, my name is Cina (see-nuh), and my pronouns are she/her. I'm a wife and a mom to two humans, a cat and a dog. I spend my downtime reading, watching reality shows and old detective shows like Columbo and Perry Mason, and finding new art-making methods. I graduated with a studio art degree, officially making me an interdisciplinary artist. I like to do all things. As a budding entrepreneur, I am dedicated to achieving my vision of success. Success to me is having the business pay for itself, seeing Peeninos develop a cult following, having Peeninos in all 50 states, and, most importantly, staying committed to accomplishing my goals. What initially inspired you to start creating Peeninos ? Can you share the story behind the first one you ever made? Answer : During the pandemic, I got into resin art and tried various molds. When I found this penis mold online, I knew that I had to make one. When I made my first one, it was just a blank micro penis figure. It had no personality and wasn’t that cute to me. Funny but not super cute. So I added eyes and a smile, and magic happened. I always wanted to start a business selling handmade items. However, I always wondered if I sold something I painted and had to begin commercializing my painting style, would I be happy? I wanted to sell something  I made with my hands that I felt happy while doing but be something that I could commercialize and not feel like I was compromising my artistic value. I didn’t want to make a painting to match someone’s living room or hallway. When I looked into the little eyes and saw attitude? I knew this was something I could make and sell with passion and joy, plus I could see it becoming a product that I could expand into an entire brand and line. (Adopted Peenino) Can you describe a typical day in your life as a Peeninos creator? Answer : I start my typical day by clearing my work table and organizing Peeninos at different stages of production in separate sections. This helps me plan the next steps for each section. I sort and organize my tools and accessories, and then check my molds for any wear and tear. After cleaning the molds, I put them away. I also clean the silicone mats I work on and prepare to make a Peenino. How do you choose the materials for your Peeninos , and what goes into the production process? Answer : Choosing materials is the easiest part of making Peeninos because it all rests on what would give me the most visually pleasing product. What products are higher in quality and offer the most flexibility in design? As a one-woman production company, everything goes into production—time management, inventory control, quality checks, and selecting the right materials is the easiest part of creating Peeninos because it depends on what will yield the most visually pleasing result. I aim for materials that offer high quality and provide flexibility in design. As a one-woman production company, I handle everything from production to time management, inventory control, and quality checks. Contrary to common belief, it takes me several days to create just one Peenino.. and so on. Contrary to what I think people believe, it is a multi-day process for me to make just one Peenino.  How do you come up with new design ideas for your lil fellas? Do you take commissions or only sell originals that you create? Answer : I look at the color(s) of the blank Peenino and allow an image of a personality to pop into my mind. Everyone I have made is a one-off. I examine the color or colors of the blank Peenino and let a personality come to mind. Each one I create is unique. I think that playing with dolls and giving them personalities throughout my life has made it easy for me to come up with new designs each time. I do take commissions, which are my favorite because it's fun to bring someone's vision for their personalized Peenino to life. I've received some really interesting requests.I really believe playing with dolls throughout my life and assigning personalities to them helped to make it easy for me not to repeat a design. I do take commissions; they are my favorite to do because it is fun to make someone’s vision for their personalized Peenino come to reality. I’ve had some pretty interesting requests, like a Peenino being bit by a shark with vomit on its "feet". (Custom Peeninos - color request and items) Are there any particular themes or messages you aim to convey through your art? Answer : My message has always been about acceptance, tapping into the joy children experience when collecting figures and appealing to people's sense of humor. Peeninos are literal penis figures, but I have managed to make them non-binary, collectible, and instantly funny. When I see someone look at a Peenino, laugh, get closer, pick one up, and refer to them by whatever pronoun first pops into their head because of the design, I know my message was received. What has been the most memorable reaction you've received from someone who has seen your Peeninos ? Answer: My most memorable experience was at an anime convention in 2023. A young woman walked past my table and did a double take. When she recognized what they were, she came closer to my table and laughed so hard she started crying. People usually laugh, but I don’t often get people who laugh so hard they cry, and that was the first time it happened. Where do you usually sell your Peeninos , and what has been your most successful sales avenue? Answer: I sell Peeninos online and in-person at conventions. My in-person sales have been my most successful sales avenue, and it stems from being able to pick out a Peenino that is theirs. I call it the Cabbage Patch Kid effect; everyone wants their very own, one that they immediately identify with, which becomes a more personal experience when you see the object up close.  Have you ever collaborated with other artists or businesses to promote Peeninos ? Answer: I have not had the opportunity to collaborate with other artists or businesses.  (Adopted Peeninos, 2021) (Adopted Peeninos at home) How do you respond to haters , criticism, or negative feedback about your art? Answer : I've been fortunate not to receive any negative feedback. Most people are curious why I started making them, and when I respond, why not? Or because I wanted to do something fun, they've smiled and either told a story, purchased a Peenino, or walked away. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a unique and unconventional small business like yours? Answer : The piece offers valuable advice for small business owners, especially those selling unconventional products. It emphasizes the importance of trusting the process and persevering through the challenges. The author encourages constant adjustment and optimization in various aspects of the business, highlighting the need to adapt in order to succeed. The message is clear: despite setbacks, it's essential to stay committed to the entrepreneurial dream. Through determination and belief in one's abilities, success is achievable. This mindset serves as the driving force behind the author's continuous efforts in their business endeavors. Do you have any rituals or routines that help spark your creativity when you feel stuck? Answer: When I feel stuck, I allow myself the time to rest and recharge. I entertain my other interests so that my creativity is energized from another outlet. Then I sit at my station, sometimes by will and other times by force and I close my eyes and pick a color and let the colors inspire me. I also pull from the belief my friends have in me, I can’t squander that belief in my dreams by not being intentional in achieving it.  (Adopted Peeninos - February 2024) What is the importance of humor during the creative process while  bringing these Peeninos to life? Answer: Humor is NUMBER ONE! Because if I can’t find the joy and humor in looking at them when they are completed, then no one else will. What has been the biggest lesson you've learned since starting your Peeninos business? Answer: The biggest lesson I learned is that success looks different for each business and not to measure my businesses success by comparing it to others. It is hard as a startup, especially a small one in a niche genre.I’ve learned to look at milestones as success and means of motivating me to keep going. If I left it just to profit, I would have stopped two years ago. If I did that I would have missed out on seeing Peeninos being in 49 states in North America, including Washington, D.C. Several have been sold internationally, celebrities like Lalah Hathaway, Cree Summer, Rachel True and Stormy Daniels owning one, and making enough for the business to pay for itself. The brand is becoming recognizable and I have repeat customers that travel to find me. Profit will come but what I am receiving is truly priceless and fills me with a great sense of pride as an entrepreneur. Do you have any plans to expand your product line beyond Peeninos in the future? Answer : I plan to expand into a plushie line, which I am very excited about but that is still a ways down. A more quickly attainable plan is to branch out and have articles of clothing that are branded available. (Manuel Peenino - Cina’s Personal Peenino, Japan 2023)  What types of events or venues do you envision showcasing your Peeninos at in the future? Answer : I envision selling Peeninos at more conventions, branching out of the anime/adult realm and seeing how they would do in LQBTQIA+ events/conventions.  Have you ever had any unexpected opportunities or experiences arise from your work with Peeninos ? Answer : Every time someone wants to interview me is an opportunity and new experience. I went from an ambivert that leans more towards the introverted side of life, to someone that is interesting enough to be interviewed about the little penises that I make.  It’s pretty wild and cool to me. How do you stay connected with your audience and customers? Answer : . I stay connected mainly through instagram, although I have a Facebook page as well. Instagram has always been a very welcoming place social media wise and the most effective way that I have found to make new connections and stay connected with my audience. I have debated making a Facebook group page but I also feel too many social media outlets can become exhausting to manage.  What kind of impact do you hope Peeninos will have on people who encounter them? Answer : I hope that Peeninos just bring joy. You look at one and you want to laugh or smile for whatever reason. They instantly bring a feeling of joy and humor up. I want people to enjoy those moments in this all so serious world through them. (Adopted Peenino - 22’) What has been the most rewarding aspect of creating and selling Peeninos for you? Answer : Just seeing the cross section of people that purchase them - people from all gender identities and ages. It’s also personally funny to me, to watch parents guide their children away who are drawn to them because they think they are something other than a penis.  What are your ultimate goals for the future of Peeninos , both artistically and commercially? Answer : Artistically, my ultimate goal is to create a line of kink Peeninos. I think they would be so hilarious. Commercially, it is to develop a large in-person client following that will intentionally look for Peeninos at events.  Do you have any last words of wisdom or advice to anyone reading this interview today? Answer : If your ultimate goal is to work for yourself, keep trying. There may be many incarnations of your business until you find that “thing” you can stick with. You may also find that “thing” immediately, but on the days when you’re wondering where did sales go? Where did your followers go? Just like Dory said in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming.  Please share any socials or links and where you want folks to connect with you or commission a peen of their own? Answer : Instagram: Peeninos ( ) 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Thanks to Cina for being such a wonderful friend as well as being patient with me as im getting back into the swing of things and staying on top of this blog. I'm back and I'm going to try harder to be more consistent! I have a few blogs and interviews lined up so stay tuned FairyFindr fam! I'm super active on my Instagram @marvelousmagicalminiatures where I post all my mini and fairy content. If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Mysterious Michigan Mondays

    Hello my wonderful FairyFindrs, how are all my favorite magical friends? I’ll be aiming to release a new blog every Monday for my new column #MysteriousMichiganMondays (Art by LipsticKissPress on Etsy ) I’ll be interviewing and sharing stories from folks in Michigan who have had any weird experiences with cryptids, paranormal entities, fairies, gnomes, etc. I’m specifically interested in Michigan Dogman, Ypsilanti Smeet Frog, Michigan Sasquatch, or Le Nain Rouge ( Detroit dwarf) Michigan Merman 🧜🏽‍♂️ , and Bessie the Lake Erie lake monster encounters or first hand experience only. No second hand stories please 🙏 Feel free to leave comments, contact me directly via the contact forms here on my website , or on DMs on Instagram, Facebook, or Reddit. All requests for anonymity will be respected! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae and cryptids bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Memorial Fairy Garden

    Last year one of my cats, Nals , short for Denali, went missing, she’s an indoor outdoor cat. She went looking for her sister Lil Mew who went missing a few weeks before her. Unfortunately both of them never returned home. I miss them so much. I have this planter that Nals used to sit in all the time, and I remember trying to get her not to sit in it but she loved it so much eventually I gave up and the planter became her living cat bed. 😂 The plant I originally had in there didn’t survive but recently I set this planter outside in hopes I could gather the emotional energy to redo it, but after leaving it outside for a few weeks it started growing little clovers and a little ecosystem of its own and I just couldn’t help but wonder if Nals and Mew were on the other side aiding the regrowth and new life into this planter. Yesterday I took it and added one of my sedum that I had planted over in the fairy garden and transplanted it to this planter, added a few little friends, and now it’s a gorgeous little memorial fairy garden in honor of Nals and Lil Mew! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae and animal spirits bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • CJ Saw Something Strange

    Episode 1 #MysteriousMichiganMondays Welcome back FairyFindr Fam ,  Today for #MysteriousMichiganMondays  we have a really awesome interview with local Michigander and my new friend, CJ. I was contacted by them after I reached out to the Reddit masses and asked in various Michigan and Cryptid subreddits if anyone has had any sightings, encounters, weird and/or paranormal first hand experiences that they would like to share for my blog.  I received quite a few direct messages and comments from folks who really wanted to share their experiences but didn’t know where or how to share it. It’s a shame society is all so ready to condemn you and call you crazy or just a pathological liar when you’ve seen or experienced something unexplainable. This is a really weird world we live in and it’s even stranger  than we could ever even begin to imagine. Just because you don’t believe in fairies  doesn’t mean they don’t believe in you! Without wasting any more time, let’s get to CJ’s experiences! (Grandfather Oak - Digital Artwork by CJ - Buy Prints Here! ) The introductory message with CJ went as follows:  CJ:  “I have a story that happened in  Livingston County . My friend rented a house and there were multiple incidents. Random field fires, a shadow man, we also saw something land in the back field, that we still don’t understand exactly what we saw, and rarely tell anyone about it. No one believed us, or just flat out won’t talk about it.” And from there on I..WAS…HOOOKED. I needed to hear more of their story and that’s why we are here today, having this interview with them. CJ shared with me that they aren’t originally from Michigan, like I am. They are from Rhode Island, which is known to have several strange and paranormal activities. Today we will be hearing about their experiences here in Michigan as well as their experiences in Rhode Island. In parts of our initial conversation they even said to me: CJ: “What did surprise me was the neighbors who lived next door, and their complete denial. Like Stephen King  shit. I moved back to the area temporarily, and nothing has changed. I still won’t drive down that road.” CJ went on to explain their encounter here in Michigan: CJ:  “In Livingston County, my friend rented a house in a tiny township near the Ingham County border. From the moment he moved in there, weird shit happened both outside and inside the house. I frequently took care of his dog Hank when he went Up North. During one of those times, I went over to feed Hank, take him out, etc. When we went back into the house, he started growling and the hair on him stood straight up. I saw a huge black shadow thing peer around the corner at us and then run down the hall into the bedroom. I heard a voice running behind me say ‘Don’t worry sweetie it can’t hurt you.’ Me and Hank left. I called my friend, and he was just like “YEP.” There were also random grass fires that started out of nowhere. Then one night, 3 of us were all sleeping. Myself and a friend saw this thing with lights landing in his back property. Hank was FREAKING out! I still bring this up to him now, He went to fucking sleep! I was like ‘DUDE, there is a glowing thing in your backyard and you're going to sleep?!?!?!?!?’ We went out the next morning and couldn’t find anything in the field. He also woke up with hand prints on his stomach. Lots of strange animals came around.  As for Rhode Island, That is a whole other story. I would be happy to share the stories from there. A lot of it goes back to the 13 colonies stuff.” ( Butterfly Watercolor - Digital Art by CJ -  Buy Prints Here!  ) Alex the FairyFindr: 1 - Can you please describe the shadow figure person?  2 - Was it a vague human shape or more detailed?  3 - How tall was this figure? 4 - Was it thin or bulky? 5 - Could you tell if it was wearing any clothing?  CJ:  “The shadow figure was very tall. IT was very dark black, and you could not see through it. It also looked like it was wearing some type of hat, and a long  trench coat.“ This description is giving me big Hat Man vibes, anyone else? Alex the FairyFindr: “You say it ran down the hall, could you physically see its feet and legs doing a running motion and could you hear footsteps on the floor in the hallway? CJ:  “It happened so fast I could not see if there were feet. I could hear and see it running down the hall. The dog had his hair standing up on his back, and followed it down the hall.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “Were there any other distinct or memorable features of this shadow figure person that you can describe here?” CJ:  “I just remember it was very black, and it was staring at me and the dog. The dog saw it first, and I saw it as soon as I went to walk back into the house. It turned and ran as the dog chased it down the hall.“ Alex the FairyFindr:”Pertaining to the voice running  behind you that said ‘Don’t worry sweetie, it can’t harm you’... 1- When you say running do you mean it was trailing behind you?  2- Were there any footsteps accompanying this entity that was comforting you? 3- Did you recognize this comforting voice at all? 4- Was the voice masculine, feminine, or neither? 5- Was there any accent? 6- Was the voice inside your ear or outside of your ear? 7- What volume was this message coming through at? A whisper? A normal speaking volume? CJ: “The female voice I heard was behind me, and normal volume. She was comforting, and I didn't see her. She was just there. At the time, I didn’t know she was actually a relative of my friend who lived there.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “Approximately how long was this experience- with you and Hank,  the shadow being and the disembodied voice of comfort, altogether?" CJ:  “It seemed like it was forever, but probably 15 minutes? It happened very quickly, and I immediately called my friend.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “Did your friend, Hanks parent, ever have any other experiences with this shadow figure?” CJ:  “Yes, he had experiences happen to him.“ (Murder of Crows- Painting by CJ -  Buy Prints Here!  ) Alex the FairyFindr: “Regarding the lights that landed in your friends’ backyard, I’d love any extra details you can remember from that experience.  1 - What year was this?  2 - About what time was it? 3 - What time of year was it?  4 - Was the weather and sky clear otherwise? 5 - At what point did you first realize the light? What were you doing, I know you mentioned you were sleeping? Was it Hank barking and freaking out that woke you? 6 - About how big were the lights? You mentioned lights so I’m assuming it was more than one? 7- How far away was this from the window in which you and your friend and Hank witnessed this event? 8 - About how long was the experience? How long was the light in the backyard? 9 - What color was the light? 10 - Was the light(s) bright or dim, did it pulse or undulate between the two? 11 - Could you see any type of craft that these lights were attached to or just a ball of light? 12 - Did you have a phone or camera around to document it in any way? 13 - How did it move when it went to land in his backyard?  CJ:  “ This was around 2011 or 2012. Everyone was sleeping, it was around 3 am. There were very bright white lights. We heard no noise like engines or anything, and the dog was freaking out. He wanted to go outside, but we didn't let him. For some reason, my friend felt like he had to go back to sleep. None of us remember much after that. We went outside with the dog, and could not find anything other than broken branches.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “I would like some clarification regarding the handprint(s).  1- Was this a separate occasion or was it the same time you were with him and saw the lights? 2 - Were there more than one handprint? 3 - Does your friend have any pictures or anything from the handprint(s) he found on his stomach?  4 - Did the handprint(s) look human or like something else? 5 - Did it bruise? 6 - Were there any scratches or blood? 7- Were there any lasting effects or scarring after the event where this handprint was? CJ:  “We all felt uneasy in that house. Everyone had something happen in some form. I stopped by one day to help with a task he was working on. He told me he got shoved in the basement, and he had a huge handprint on his stomach. It looked like a bruise, you could make out 4 fingers and a thumb. It was a very large handprint, and no one I know has hands that size. There were no other marks on him, and I am not sure if someone took a picture. He moved shortly after that incident.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “These are all very fascinating, I would love to hear your Rhode Island stories too. I just wanted to say that I believe you and I’ve had many many many paranormal experiences myself.  What did the glowing things look like in your friend’s backyard, was it like a UFO craft or more of a bio luminescent entity?” CJ: “It didn’t have any noise. They were like glowing lights but not lights you would see on an airplane or anything. This was before people had drones. It wasn’t common. There is a small airport nearby, but it wasn’t anything from there. We looked, and they normally don’t fly anything at night. It was always during the day.  I tried to ask the weird guy next door, but he hardly went outside and just wouldn’t talk. Same with the lady across the street. She did say, ‘Yeah weird shit goes on here.’  There was also a black cat that came around, no one knows where it came from“ Alex the FairyFindr: “Very intriguing! Did the black cat act any way differently than a normal cat? I love how your neighbor just said ‘yea weird shit goes on here’ “ CJ:  “ He did. He just showed up one day, and made friends with his dog, Hank. No one knew where he came from, and he would never come into the house. Just hung outside the back porch or front porch. Even during the winter. We called him Al because one day we were asked ‘What’s your name?’ and my friend’s dog Hank went and spelled A L in the snow in the driveway. LOL. “ Alex the FairyFindr: “ I love that his name was AL, that’s so cool! I’m not sure its paranormal but I do think cats are telepathic and way more psychically advanced than humans and maybe even inter-dimensional.  Anything is possible.  What’s your earliest paranormal experience that you can remember?” CJ:  “That was the house me and my brother lived in, in Rhode Island. We both had different experiences but they were similar. We didn’t realize that until later. “ (Spirit of the Forest - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here! ) Alex the FairyFindr: “ What was your brother’s experience? I just want to say again, I’m so thankful for you being so vulnerable with me and sharing your story. I believe you 100% and I’ve had dozens of paranormal, UFO, and fairy experiences myself, as well as sleep paralysis, light beings, light orbs, and smokey black demonic type spirits. So I’ve seen it all and honestly you’re safe with me and my audience, we are all interested in the same things.” CJ:  “He had some weird things happen in the boiler room that was our dad’s wood shop. I woke up around 2 or 3 am one time in our closet we had behind our pool table in the basement. I don’t know how I got there, and was terrified to move. We both had friends at one point or another that refused to stay the night over at the house.” Alex the FairyFindr: “1- Can you please give me more detail of your brother’s experience in your dad’s wood shop or ask him for me? 2 - What year was this? 3 - Was this a separate occasion to you finding yourself in the closet or the same night? 4 - How big was the woodshop in the boiler room? What did it look like? 5 - What exactly did he experience? Give as much detail and clarifying information as possible please. 6 - Were there multiple experiences in this room? 7 - If so, do you and your brother think it was the same entity or multiple different ones? “ CJ:  “ This was in the mid 1980’s. These were separate occasions, and we didn’t tell each other right away. The wood shop was a small room in our finished basement that also had the boiler in it. My step dad used it as his wood shop where he would make furniture and things. It had tools and a table saw in it. He said he saw the room full of fire, but did not smell or feel it. He said it happened very quickly, and he didn’t go back in that room for a while.“ Alex the FairyFindr: “1- Tell me more about how you felt when you found yourself wake up in the basement closet? 2 - Were you in pain? 3 - Did you feel violated in any way? Emotionally, mentally physically, sexually, etc. 4 - What were your emotions and thoughts at this time? 5 - Can you describe this closet? How big was it, what did it look like? 6 - What time was it when you came to consciousness in the closet?   CJ:  “The closet was behind our pool table in another part of our finished basement. It had 3 huge wooden sliding doors from floor to ceiling, and it was a very large closet full of shelves. I somehow woke up in the middle of the night in the bottom of the closet, the doors were all slid shut. I was not sure how I got there. When I did tell my brother about that night, he told me about the boiler room. I wasn’t in pain or anything. I just woke up, and I was confused for a few minutes, and finally got up the nerve to open the door and run. Neither one of us went down there by ourselves for a while." Alex the FairyFindr: “ Do you have a history of sleep walking?” CJ:  “I don’t know for sure. I have had friends say I was talking to someone (in my sleep).” Alex the FairyFindr: “Were there any specific events or things that happened leading up to these friends of you and your brothers’ who refused to spend the night? CJ:  “No, there wasn’t anything specific. One of my friends from school was sleepwalking and she never came back over after that incident. She wouldn’t discuss it either. We had other incidents that happened over the years, but everyone agrees that house was strange. Some of it we didn’t share with each other until later. We both sort of felt like no one would believe me anyway. Once we realized we weren’t the only ones, we felt a little better about it.“  (Psychedelic Mushroom Forest - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here!  ) Alex the FairyFindr: “ That’s very intriguing to me, I’m very interested in dreamwork and I believe when we are asleep we are actually just in the astral realm.  Did you friends say what you said?” CJ:  “At this point in my life, I could care less that someone believes me. It is what it is and I don’t know what it is LOL” Alex the FairyFindr: “ Fair enough. I’ve seen fairies, light orbs, ghosts, black smokey figures, heard disembodied voices.  My grandma was very psychic too, so it runs in my family. Some of us are more open to contact for some reason.  I had recurring visits from short dwarf/gnome like humanoids who did medical experiments on me as a kid. I’ve had lots of weird shit happen to me lol I believe you and your experience is valid!” CJ:  “Thanks, I guess there is more than what we know. I am curious about Michigan. My dad pointed out once I had a relative from here, and a cousin somewhere. For some reason we both moved here out of the blue.” ( Jackalope Portrait - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here!  ) Alex the FairyFindr: “Michigan has some very interesting history and supernatural stories and beliefs– especially from the indigenous tribes who were here long ago. It’s funny because people always say ‘Well I don’t believe in this or that’,  but go to church every Sunday and pray to some invisible god in the sky they have never physically experienced, and yet they have faith he exists. So backwards lol.  We have actually seen and experienced things with our many senses and I believe in things I’ve physically experienced.” Well FairyFindrs , that’s it for today let’s give CJ a big FairyFindr Family welcome and thank you for their kindness, bravery, and endless questions, as this stuff just absolutely intrigues me having so many weird and unexplainable experiences myself. Also go check out CJ’s art HERE! They’re an incredibly talented human and I’m happy to have met such a rad person!  Thank you all for joining us for another magical interview! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • MI Cryptids Glossary

    ep2#MysteriousMichiganMondays Welcome back FairyFindr Fam , to this beautiful Monday Morning, bright and early, for #MysteriousMichiganMondays we will be discussing all of the various cryptids, paranormal entities, and urban legend creatures who make themselves known here in the Mitten state in, you guessed it, ALPHABETICAL ORDER! Call it a Michigan Cryptid Glossary of sorts... #MysteriousMichiganMondays Glossary: Aliens Bessie ( Lake Erie Monster) Bigfoot Dewey Lake Monster Dogman / Michigan Dogman Elves Fairies Gaasyendietha (great lakes water monster) (Indigenious Spirit) Giant Green Squirrel of Amble Giants Gnomes / Le Nain Rouge Melon Heads Michigan Merman (Great Lakes) Mishepishu (Underwater Panter) (Indigenous spirit) Pressie (Lake Pressie Monster) Smeet Frog of Ypsilanti, MI (Urban Legend / Cryptid?) Aliens There have been many UFO sightings in Michigan, including myself and my ex boyfriend, both experiencing what we thought were UFO's at the time but were essentially just balls of light so maybe more like fairies or light orbs of some sort. UFO's have been seen by the masses in both Grand Rapids and southeast Michigan dating back to the 1960's and even before then. You can learn more and browse the website for the Michigan MUFON chapter here . You can watch a mini doc here on YouTube about the Hillsdale College UFO sighting: Aliens in the Arb . 2. Bessie The Lake Erie Monster AKA the “Great Snake of Lake Erie,” the “Lake Erie Monster,” and “South Bay Bessie”. Most of these sightings happen in the south bay area, along the Ohio coast near the Lake Erie Islands. The first recorded sighting of her was by a ship captain on Lake Erie in 1793! Bessie is reported to move and behave like a snake, but she's GIANT, like 30-40 ft long giant! 3. Bigfoot Did you know there's been over 200 Bigfoot sightings in Michigan alone reported to Bigfoot researchers in Michigan! Thats a helluva lot of sightings to be a bunch of liars, if you ask me! Check out this map on this one Bigfoot Sightings website alone! 4. Dewey Lake Monster AKA the Sister Lake Sasquatch is different and distinct kind of bigfoot, first seen around 1964, that seems to suggest a more aquatic tribe that are cousins to the woodsy or cave and mountain dwelling sasquatch. The creature was described as being about 10 foot tall, covered in hair, weighing about 500lbs and with glowing eyes. If this Michigan creature originates from the Great Lakes area, it would make sense that they adapted to be half water or semi-aquatic in nature, seeing as we have so much natural water and lakes here in Michigan. 5. Michigan Dogman is our very own most famous, or should I say, infamous , of Michigan-specific cryptids and paranormal entities that have consistently been mentioned or seen throughout time and throughout the state. Michigan Dogman sightings date back to 1887. He even has a song that a Michigan radio host and DJ, Steve Cook, made a song about him called "The Legend of Dogman", after which his popularity SKYROCKETED and so did the sightings, many of which were just hoaxes or jokesters, but several true stories emerged as well. I personally think Dogman might be a werewolf, how about you? 6. Elves According to The Real Fairies Podcast based out of our very own Traverse City, Michigan , the sisters who host the podcast say that they are in direct telepathic and psychic connection to a group of Elves, who have called the land and nature that we call Traverse City, home for a very long time. How cool is that!? To think we have a whole clan of elves just chilling here in Michigan with us! 7. Fairies Fairies have been sighted in Michigan for probably as long as the land and nature has existed here. I myself have had many fae and elemental experiences here in Michigan, as well as several paranormal experiences. Michigan is FULL of trees, and many fae live in trees. Even in the days of deforestation we are still rich in trees. Although I will say, its devastating that we cut down all of the old growth White Pines that used to cover our state, back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, Michigan was a huge logging state. The white pine is actually our state tree because of how many we used to have. 8. Gaasyendietha according to ancient Seneca mythology and traditions, is a giant lake serpent also known as " The Meteor Dragon " and lived in Lake Ontario. The serpent was known to be able to fly on fire as well as breathe fire (like a dragon)! It's known as a meteor dragon because according to legend it came to earth initially during a meteor impact! 9. Giant Green Squirrel of Amble apparently the city of Amble has a giant green squirrel with glowing eyes that change colors and its the size of a car! Sounds absolutely terrifying to me! 10. Giants Its no secret that giant skeletons have been found all over the world, including in mounds, in caves, and in burial pits. Even here in Michigan, we have a rich and vast human history, including giants! There were two 8 foot skeletons found in Coldwater, MI, you can read the newspaper clipping here . 11. Le Nain Rouge / Gnomes I know for a fact that gnomes are here in Michigan because I happen to have more than a few experiences with them here in Michigan, and have also captured photos of them hiding in my cottonwood tree in the back yard! Le Nain Rouge is our very own Detroit Dwarf, also known as the red gnome, or the Detroit Demon, or the Demon of the Strait. He's a short humanoid figure most commonly described as impish and red with hooved feet and a dark coat of fur. Legends of Nain Rouge tell us of him coming to warn fellow Detroiters of oncoming tragedies. The city even holds a yearly festival called Marche de Nain Rouge where they dress up and have a parade to march the demon out of Detroit, I haven't attended yet, but I feel as if we should allow the Nain Rouge to stay, he's been here a lot longer than we have and honestly if he's warning us of upcoming danger don't we wan't that around? I think casting him as a demon is rather rude, and we should definitely show him a bit more respect than that. 12.   The Melon Heads are not really a cryptid or a paranormal entity, rather, in my opinion, and according to legend, The Melon Heads are escaped deformed humans who escaped the grips of an evil doctor who did experiments on them and either gave them and/or caused hydrocephalus which causes the enlarged head which becomes bulbous and very alien like, causing the children and people to become essentially human bobble-heads. It's a quite sad story either way and I'm very saddened for them and have empathy for them and their experiences and trauma, if they do indeed exist. 13. Michigan Mermen in 1782 a fur trader spotted a merman in Lake Superior but dates back to earlier Ojibwe legends as the Maymaygwashi-  The Lake Superior God of the Waters . 14. Mishepishu is an underwater water panther dragon that comes from Ojibwe legend and is one of the many spirits of the great lakes that the indigenous folks recognized and revered. Mishipeshu translates directly to "the Great Lynx" and is described to have the paws of a big cat, covered in scales, and has spikes running down its tail! It honestly sounds terrifying, I wouldn't wanna get on that guy's bad side! 15.   Pressie   is said to inhabit Lake Superior and sightings of them start way back in the late 1800's when a man fell overboard and claimed a giant reptile creature tried to constrict him and kill him. Pressie is described as having a horses head with long jutting teeth, and to be about 75 feet long with a long neck! Very much similarly described as the Loch Ness Monster. And Michigan is said to have two of these lake monsters 16. Smeet Frog of Ypsilanti is most likely an urban legend created originally by an unnamed street artist who posted a plaque with an image and a short paragraph with the legend of the smeet frog on it near the entrance to Frog Island in Ypsi. You can read about the legend of the Smeet Frog here on the Ann Arbor District Library Website. ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Well y'all, which #michigancryptid are you most intrigued by? Which one should I do a deep dive on first? Leave a comment or DM me however you see fit and give me your vote! ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 If you have had a weird experience in Michigan and you want to talk about it, I’ll be interviewing and sharing stories from folks in Michigan who have had true encounters with cryptids, paranormal entities, UFOs, or any unexplained phenomena! I’m specifically interested in Michigan Dogman, Ypsilanti Smeet Frog, Michigan Sasquatch, or Le Nain Rouge ( Detroit Dwarf), the Michigan Merman 🧜🏽‍♂️ , and any Great Lakes monster sightings, encounters, or first hand experience only please and thank you! ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 All requests for anonymity will be respected! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae and cryptids bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Richelle: The Richycler

    Welcome back my lovely FairyFindr Fam ! Today we have a very exciting interview with my doll friend, Richelle. She is an artist with a passion for reusing and upcycling materials in her artwork. I came across her work on Instagram @therichycler and it gave me instant Sid Phillips from Toy Story vibes! She creates hybrid dolls and toys just like me and just like Sid, we instantly bonded over creating our monster and hybrid creations!  In this interview we will learn what inspired Richelle, about her artistic process, and what plans she has for the future of her artwork! Without further delays, let’s get into the interview! Alex the FairyFindr: Richelle, thank you so much for joining the FairyFindr Fam and enlightening us with your art and insights! Please begin by introducing yourself, your pronouns, and where folks can connect with you on the internet if they’re interested in chatting or buying some of your art!  Richycler  “  Hiii! Thanks so much for having me. My name is Richelle and recycle, thus "The Richycler" my pronouns are a Her/She. I'm a disabled (MS), bisexual, mother living in Alberta Canada. All of my art is made from second hand finds. From thrift stores to your grammas basement, and everywhere in between. No new materials are used since the world is drowning in garbage. Even my glue and wires I find second hand. You can find me mainly on my IG page but I do have a website that l often forget to check. “  (In my room with my fav lamp. I love lamp and making them) Alex the FairyFindr: Your dolls and artwork have a very ethereal otherworldly and  whimsical vibe, where does your inspiration come from? Richycler  “ I’ve always been one with nature and was raised on a lot of dry humour and cartoons. I find comedy in every day things and try to show that in my works. Showing people what you can do with “trash” is my main inspiration. I love making people think outside the egg. My brain is just wired differently, I’ve been told. “ Alex the FairyFindr: I’m the same exact way, I proudly show others what types of things they can use in their dollhouse and art from everyday materials, mostly plastics since I don’t want those being added to the landfills or oceans.  The whole point of upcycling is to give life and transformation to old and discarded objects through your artwork. Tell us about the themes of transformation and renewal in your art and how you relate to them in your personal life? Richycler  “ My family has never been keen on buying things new. We have always tried to repair and renew before rebuying. Growing up that way has been a huge help with realizing things grow and change over time. Not always for the better.  I used to be a chef/butcher but when I got sick, I had to completely upheave my lifestyle. Huge changes were made. My artwork definitely reflects these emotions. Broken things can be mended, like my body. Some things take a lot of time, but will be worth it in the end. If you aren’t growing, you aren’t living, in my opinion.“ ( I found a bag of Monster High dolls on Marketplace that were all missing arms and heads. The legs turned into these gorgeous leggy monsters) Alex the FairyFindr: I didn’t realize you were disabled, I’m recently coming to terms with allowing myself to call myself disabled as well. I have chronic pain, scoliosis, and carpal tunnel. But channeling our emotions into our art is so important when you’re disabled, I’ve got a lot of disabled artist friends and their art is really their saving grace honestly, as is mine.  What role does experimentation play in your process? How much of it is made up as you go, as opposed to rigidly planning out each piece? Richycler  “ Uuugh. Sorry to hear that. It’s been a slippery slope but with support it’s manageable. I owe a lot to my partner stepping up and taking care of me and our kid when shit hit the fan. Not too many people get this support and they suffer. I see it happen too much and I just wish everyone was more like my Steve. Big hugs and I hope you get all your answers fast. The medical system isn’t really there for people like us.  Honestly, I’m terrible at “planning out my art” I’ll get an idea and have to run downstairs to set it up so I don’t forget. I do have a list of just “thoughts” that I pull from here n there but mostly it’s just “I’m gonna make this!” And then I make it. I’m the most non rigid artist you’ll meet probably. I also have a couple friends who send me ideas constantly and I try to keep up with some of them and make them my own.“ (Wearable, upcycled by painting and adding the collar, Papier-mâché bunny head)  Alex the FairyFindr: Haha I’m the same way as an ADHD artist absolutely nothing is planned and absolutely everything is procrastinated! lol 😂  What types of materials or products do you use most in your artwork? Richycler  “  Pretty sure I’m some form of undiagnosed ADHD like some artists. All kinds of materials. I’ve made stuffed animals from old clothes, purses from old stuffed animals, all sorts of dolls, I recently filled some hollow display legs for socks with dirt and made them planters. I’ve used teacups for bird feeders, needle felting here n there, I’ve done some resin art, yes I found the resin second hand, collages… you name it I’ve probably tried it or made something like it. But everything is second hand. No new materials ever are allowed. I want to do a mirror tile project but waiting around for second hand mirror tiles is getting annoying haha but that’s half the battle in life.. patience.  I forgot to mention jewelry. Aaaaalllll the broken jewelry.“  (A lovely little piece made with toys and jewelry bits.) (Cat toys made from old patches.)  Fraggle rock wreath!  Alex the FairyFindr: How do you navigate being disabled and doing vendor events I’ve found that it’s a lot on my body as much as I love it, I can’t do shows alone I always need a helper.  Richycler  “ It’s definitely been a learning curve. Last year I went too hard and destroyed myself. But I had to learn which markets were a good fit for me. I make sure I have a lot of water and snacks, pillows for my old ass, and someone to come relieve me here n there so I can pee. Plenty of rest leading up to the day and same for the days after. The key is to talk to as many people as you can. Makes the time go by fast and usually you’re surrounded by other strange and unusual people, being artists n all, that it makes the day go by so fast cause you’re having fun meeting new weirdos.  I also love doing art trades. I go around and meet everyone and tell them if they want to do a trade end of sale that I’m down. Not everyone wants my stuff which is totally understandable but usually it pans out and makes the day a lot more exciting cause you’re getting new art and getting rid of yours at the same time.“ (All trades! The shirt I bought cause I couldn’t leave it and really wanted to support the artist.) Alex the FairyFindr: Yesss I did that same thing at my last art show and traded a couple of prints for 2 hand made crocheted plushies-  Mothman and Slenderman! Like me, you try to use as much recycled and reused materials as possible in your artwork and that’s a huge reason I was drawn to your artwork initially. Please share with the FairyFindr Fam what inspires you most regarding upcycling and why is it a central role in your art and business?  Richycler  “ My biggest inspiration is “won’t someone please think of the children” We are leaving behind a garbage soaked polluted future for our kids. I try to inform anyone who will listen to try and use less. Fix that sweater before you buy a new one. Shop local. Every little bit helps and is needed more than ever. Also… tax the rich! Save the animals. They don’t deserve this shit either. “Fuck the World, Save Nature” Bumper stickers available soon.“ “One of my first pieces. “Mother Nature” Alex the FairyFindr: Yess I’m here for it, put me on the list for one! Tell us about the process of creating a project? Do you start with an idea or a certain doll or toy and go from there? Use as much detail as possible to describe your process on a timeline.  Richycler  “ It all depends. Some times I’ll see an item and be like oh that could be this, and I’ll do that. Other times I have an idea like my Wizard of Oz wreath (see below) my sister has. Took me three years to collect all the pieces for it. The rainbow troll wreaths are my most popular item and those take a lot of time and collecting. Some things are made in minutes while others take months. Some times I’m all about the details and others I’m like-- good enough! “ (The munchkin with the yellow hat took me years to find. This was on my wall incomplete the whole time. Just waiting patiently …) Alex the FairyFindr: Do you have a favorite art piece that you have created? If so, why? You can tell us about a few if you have a hard time picking just one.  Richycler  “ For sure! I have a few favs. Meemaw is a sock puppet I made with my friends' mom's old dentures. I also have a bra top I made from Barbie faces that was a huge hit. There’s a wreath I made with Lord Darkness from Legend that I doubt I’ll ever sell either. (Meemaw) (Top made from Barbie faces and a couple Mrs clauses for the nipples. Hope mine aren’t peeking!) (Pregnant mannequin body turned plant stand) Alex the FairyFindr: What types of messages or stories are you trying to convey through your artwork? Richycler  “ Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. To stop wasting so much, do you really need that top in five colours? And it’s ok to fix things and shop second hand. When I was a kid, you were ridiculed for having hand-me-downs or shopping at the thrift stores. Now it’s so different. The youth of today are all for the upcycling and I’m excited! “ (My blanket made from my t-shirts from my teens) Alex the FairyFindr: Many artists have ideals that inspire them in their art, whether it be nature, emotion, or social change. What is the main ideals, visions, or goal of The Richycler?  Richycler  “ Just saving the planet in whatever tiny way I can. Knowing I’ve done all I can for my kids future will mean I will die happy. Never been much of a goal person. I enjoy to fly by the seat of my pants. Just gonna keep on doing what I’m doing and see what opportunities present themselves or I discover.“ (Bathroom bathing beauties) Alex the FairyFindr: Please tell the audience about a time where you had a memorable reaction or interaction with your art from someone else, child or adult, and what stuck out to you most about that experience? Richycler  “ I’ll share one good , one bad and one funny .   The good one was John Rhys-Davies wanted to meet me after seeing the doll I made of Gimli. He told me I was brilliant and to keep up the good work.  (This was my best day ever) The bad can be a handful of times when I get eye rolls and arguments about how “it’s not that bad”. These people don’t even know about the pacific garbage patch but feel the need to tell me I’m wrong. Denial can be an ugly thing!  And the funny , well funny to me… a little girl came up to my table and yelled at me for “wrecking all the Barbies!” She cried and her mom and I had to explain that they were already wrecked and I just gave them new life. Hilariously sweet. “ Alex the FairyFindr: Awwww the little girl is so sweet! Such cute stories, thanks for sharing! Richycler  “ I also keep a “Sid Count” at every sale. Every time I’m referenced to Toy Story or Sid I make a mark. It’s been fun. I’ve also had a lot of people do the whole “I had no idea, thank you for telling me” which is always peachy.” (Baby squid!) Alex the FairyFindr: LOL a Sid count! I proudly proclaim he’s my hero and explain how he was just abused and neglected and acting out but he’s truly an artist at heart and doesn’t know what to do with his angst. He actually grows up to become a garbage man who saves toys from the trash Richycler “Who needs a ton of therapy 🤣  I think he’d be terrified of toys after what happened. If mine all came to life they would def try to kill me. Saving them so they won’t murderface him? Lololol”  Alex the FairyFindr: 😂 I don’t think that’s true at all actually I think they’d be happy they’re not sitting in a pile of trash rot Richycler “I hope so! I like your logic better.”  Alex the FairyFindr: Folks often think dolls and toys are for kids— you’re an adult woman why the hell are you playing with dolls and toys and making weird art out of them? What would you say to the naysayers? Richycler “ I tell them growing up is a trap and if you can’t hold on to a bit of your youth then you’re gonna be miserable.  “ Alex the FairyFindr: I agree, everyone always tells me I have a sense of childlike wonder and whimsy about me and I love living life that way. Richycler  “  I think more and more people are realizing it’s ok to like toys when you’re old. Especially with our generation. We were raised in such a wild time of new toys and games, too much fun to forget. And we’re all depressed so the nostalgia helps keep us alive lol“ (Here’s my childhood toys and more on a wreath. This one’s never getting sold)  Alex the FairyFindr: Have you ever come across any challenges while creating a project that seemed impossible to overcome? How did it all play out? Richycler   " For sure. I have a whole corner of abandoned projects. Things that I hit a wall with and just got distracted with other things. My mind goes too fast sometimes and I’m like I wanna do this now and things get forgotten. I think that’s also a sign of ADHD hahaha. This last year has been the most difficult for me to create. I wake up and spend time reading the atrocities of the world, usually have a good cry and try to go about my day but it’s been rough. When I have a deadline is when I get things done, of course.“ (Collage I made and then covered in resin) Alex the FairyFindr: Definitely a sign of ADHD, last year I hosted an art show of All ADHD artists, called Art Without ATTN Convention and part of my showcase was all my half finished projects. Richycler  “   That’s such a great idea. There’s a group here who collects unfinished projects and redistributes them throughout to whoever will want to finish them.“ Alex the FairyFindr: That’s absolutely beautiful I might start doing that around metro-Detroit Has there ever been a time where a project turned out completely differently than initially imagined? Richycler   “I think most of projects take a turn somewhere from what my original plan was. I’ll find items to add afterwards that I never thought of before and it’ll change the whole thing. A lot of the wreaths turn out like this. Or I’ll be making something super pretty and then add something really silly at the end just cause it goes so well but wasn’t originally meant to be there at all. “ Alex the FairyFindr: Can you recall a time where you found an unexpected treasure among the trash or discarded? What’s your fave find and what did it later transform into through your artwork?  Richycler  “ I found a headless lawn flamingo sticking out of a garbage bin in the back alley near my house once. I turned it into this“ “ And the horn I used for lord darkness was a tiny thing I found on the ground in the park” Alex the FairyFindr: That’s charming as hell, I love it!  What advice do you have for others who may want to create more artworks with trash or reused materials, but might not know quite where to start?   Richycler  “ Abundance is key. The more garbage you collect the more ideas you might have. But it’s also important to try and stay organized so you don’t lose things in your abyss of previously unwanted items. Let people know you’re looking for old stuff, they’re probably gonna donate it anyways so it doesn’t hurt to ask. Try to see the beauty in the broken. And forget all ideas of “perfection” that’s just not possible and such a silly thing to strive for. Practice makes progress.“ Alex the FairyFindr: LOL my art room becomes a board pile very quickly Richycler  “  I really need to take my own advice. I’m in the process of dejunking for a big move next summer. So it’s like extra spicy in my craft room right now. “ Alex the FairyFindr: Haha don’t we all? Have you ever collaborated with other artists or local businesses? If not, is that something you’re interested in doing?  Richycler  “  Yes I have! I do lots with a local group called Art Spot. I have been a part of their markets mostly but this year I got to work on a haunted house for Screamfest this Halloween in Calgary AB. We did a haunted doll house and it was so much fun. My main room was the bedroom. I collected like 100 dolls from thrift stores and donations and made them all zombie like. I really enjoyed it and hope to do more things like that in the future.  But enjoy working alone mostly ha!“ ( The bedroom in the haunted doll house I helped with. See my kid being a creep on the bed. It’s all for him. Everything.) Alex the FairyFindr: I get that I’m a control freak lol but I also love the freeform flow of collaborating with someone too. What is your dream for the future of your brand The Richycler?  Richycler  “ For sure! I’m super easy going to and work well with other. Kitchen back ground, have to be a team player. I don’t know honestly. I plan to keep at it and hope to make a bit of a mark on the garbage issue. I feel so small some days but at the same time … “watch how the ripples grow… but it takes someone to start them!”   Hoping my health doesn’t take a nose dive.  So I can keep thrifting till I die“ Alex the FairyFindr: I can see you hosting art shows too, like me. I have an idea for an art show at a recycle center that is all garbage artists called “One Man’s Trash” I’d be willing to share that idea with you though if you wanna steal it. Richycler  “ Love it! I’ve done a market like that last year it was great. Every artist had to have some aspect of recycling in their works.  I did a workshop beginning of the year and just brought in as much as I could and had everyone make whatever they could think of. It was lots of fun to. Would like to do more of those for sure. One man’s trash is wonderful!”  Alex the FairyFindr: That’s a great idea too maybe I’ll do the same try to get rid of some of this shit lol! Do you take commissions? If not where can folks buy your one of a kind artwork? Richycler  “ Yes I totally do commissions but they have to be pretty lenient with the piece cause I’m not gonna be buying the certain thing they want for it. I have to find it and it might take a while. My email or IG is the best place to get a hold of me. I’m on FB but try to avoid it like the plague. My email is   One thing that’s hard though is shipping. Some of my things are such awkward shapes and sizes and weight that it can get pricey. But I’m open to it if anyone is interested 🥰”  Richelle’s art can be physically found at Peak Boutique in Diamond Valley, Alberta, along with many random markets around Calgary. (Had a bunch of wrecked trolls that I made into holiday tree trolls. I was able to wash and comb out the hair and made this)  Alex the FairyFindr: 😎 awesome! Well thanks again Richelle this has been absolutely enlightening and refreshing! I love talking with other artists about recycling and reusing materials because it’s so near and dear to my heart! Do you have any last thoughts for the FairyFindr Fam? Richycler  “ I had a great time and think these artist interviews are such a good idea. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me! Can’t wait for what the future brings for us strange and unusual artists!”  Alex the FairyFindr: Yes I agree I love doing artist spotlights because it’s so important to uplift other artists when the industry is always trying to pit us against each other. (My most popular piece. I’ve recreated it about 7 times now) (My set up at a market last year, my table looks different every time) Thanks again! Richycler out 🖤 If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the hybrid and monster dolls bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures


    Lack of BIPOC folks in fairytales and throughout American Folklore + Reclaiming Fairy Tales as a community. Welcome back FairyFindrs, In this blog post we will talk with my doll collector and miniaturist friend, Juana, aka D.A.W.L.I.E.S. , to discuss the lack of black fairytale art and racial representation through history in folklore, and how it makes her feel to reclaim that through the creations of her own marvelous black fairy tale characters and art!  I can only imagine what it feels to be able to recreate such magical and powerful entities in your own likeness and to see the magic in your culture and heritage come to life. It’s definitely not something I ever truly thought about, as a guy who grew up in a middle class white family, until recent years as all of these movies and characters are being remade with powerful and beautiful black lead characters and it has taught me a lot about privilege in more ways than one. I wanted to write this blog and interview a black artist who grew up in the US Virgin Islands with a variety of black folklore or fairy tales to look up to and how it affected them and truly dive into the nuisances of the importance of seeing yourself reflected in the media and artwork around you, especially as a young child. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Alex The FairyFindr: Please introduce yourself, what’s your name and pronouns?  Juana from St. Croix, US Virgin Islands born and raised with Trinidadian values and Caribbean folklore, she/her.  My dawls are them, separate but integral parts of me! I really appreciate all the support love and praises on my dolls from the community. I appreciate all my doll friends and the adult doll collector community! Alex The FairyFindr: When did you first get interested in fairytales and folklore? As a Caribbean child folklore and stories of mythical creatures was discussed regularly. I have so many tales of the goat foot woman, dwens and La Jabless…its so much to write! 😸😆 I even have my own Halloween Hashtag, #SpookyDawlSeason where I showcase different folklore not only from the Caribbean but around the world. With my dolls I enjoy creating that mythical/folklore values that I grew up watching on TV and the stories I was told growing up. There is much more folklore to come with my dolls. Stay tuned! (These witches drank a potion and ended up being goat-like fairies. I made everything in the diorama by hand, even the horns and ears that they wear.) ( A witch from the dark variety…she enjoys teleporting anywhere, she is drunk off of her power to invade spaces without invitation.) Alex The FairyFindr: When did you first gain an interest in dolls, either playing with or creating them or both?! How does creating different black dolls and characters feel? Is it as therapeutic and powerful as it sounds? I grew up not so middle class on St. Croix…every Christmas as a child the JCPenny Toy Catalog would come to the house and at that time I guess my mom couldn't afford to get us those Barbie dolls. It was when I was maybe in 3rd or 4th grade when I got my first 1/6 scale doll, that was that Barbie look-alike, but it was like the plastic bleach bottles were made of. 🫣🤣. So it wasn't Barbie👀. I had a neighbor who got all the latest toys so I was secretly coveting that. Fast forward decades later…my little sister's daughter, was at the age I wanted Barbies and I bought her a few black dolls because I wished I had one at her age. I bought about 5 black Fashionistas for her, only gave her 3. One day my sister told me that she gave away the 3 dolls to other little girls at church and I was upset. So I kept the 2 that I had left. Then in 2021, one of my older nieces bought Barbies and played with them with her niece who is in elementary school and I brought out the two I had and decided to make an Instagram page for DAWLIES to play and create without judgement.” Alex The FairyFindr:That’s beautiful 😭🥰 I would love to hear more about Caribbean-specific or Trinidadian folklore or entities that inspire/intrigue you the most, and why? I noticed that American television did not have a lot of representations of black folks since I was in elementary school. Most of the time in the 80s Black folks were only represented as slaves mostly, they weren't on Dynasty and seldom represented in daytime TV. The US Virgin Islands is part of the US Territory, so we watched ABC mostly. So for a kid, growing up in the Caribbean it is very taboo to talk about interest in witchcraft or fairies or anything in that category. Mostly because witchcraft and religion were the two conversations in the background. I've heard growing up that people putting curses and using magic to get things or have someone obsessed with a person and other things. Also back then they would rep black people being involved in Voodoo and other varieties of witchcraft as negatives. When I say magic, I usually say Majic, making it my own, an understanding that it doesn't have to carry a negative connotation. Alex The FairyFindr: In what ways do you believe the absence or underrepresentation of black characters in fairy tales and folklore affected your sense of identity and belonging while growing up? I was raised Catholic so witchcraft or the interest in it is a hushed thing. Its scary, never heard of light magic until I was a grown-up. As a black woman that enjoys horror, majic and suspense, I am ok with discussing the dark moments or things…is still taboo. I can do it more now than back in college but its still hushed to an extent. This is why I created Zhinga and her shop because I wanted to show that it doesn't have to be scary with majic, it can be fun and a way to discover things about oneself. (Deveraux is one of the featured artists at the Laughing Skull. She reads tarot cards, and her crystal skull that she also has generational ties to, from birth.) Alex The FairyFindr: Could you share about a specific time where you felt the need to assimilate into white fairytale culture? How did this impact your connection to your own cultural heritage and folklore? Well the contradiction between TV world and real life was the only time I felt the assimilation aspect. I also had to assimilate a lot of my culture going to college on the American Mainland mostly because though I am black my Caribbean roots are very strong. So I hate to change the way I talk and even some thought processes and only when I'm among others from similar culture I could be free to be me, culturally. To be quite honest, I had the plan all along to bring my dolls to the point of fairydom and fantasy and horror. That's why I started my doll page on Halloween because it's my very favorite time of the year!🥰 I did this to have all my dolls no matter the color of their skin or where they are from enjoy Halloween not only as a scary thing but a chance to tear through the current reality and create moments of beauty and art. I joke sometimes that I'm goth on the inside. Touch the darkness and it brings light type thing. @D.A.W.L.I.E.S I can freely create my own ideals behind horror and beauty. That's why I ride for Halloween because its a chance to look at the artistic look at horror and darkness in us all. And its ok to touch it sometimes. Alex The FairyFindr: What motivated you to reclaim fairy tales for black folks and retell those stories in your own way? How does it feel to have the opportunity to reshape these narratives to reflect the experiences of black people, especially African Americans. I attended a Historically Black University, and because I studied English, I also did more research on Black culture, art and history. And realized that black culture is one of the fundamentals of this country. Some of the most cultural places such as Harlem, New Orleans and others have such rich histories. I am expressing black folklore and retelling as part of my own cultural  history and wanting to share what I have learned from it. In their essence those are times of wonderment and mysticism. They play out in much of modern day fantasy and folklore. I know, I know some folks don't feel that way, but the art is what I want to reveal from it all. When I create the Halloween special its me reaching out and saying, hey, isn't this incredibly beautiful? Instead of it being looked at as horrific and scary. Here is the story, here is the origins where storytelling was a direct part of our lives growing up and it's ok to pass down the oral or photographic representation. It is art from the heart. Alex The FairyFindr: Could you tell us about your own art and miniatures? How do you incorporate black culture, folklore, and characters into your art? What themes or messages do you aim to showcase through your work? Last year #SpookyDawlSeason I wanted to represent traditions through my doll, Zhinga, who inherited the responsibility of passing on the mystical traction that her ancestors held on to and her shop opening to sharing with her dawl friends. For me, sharing it with the doll community and others gives a bit of where I came from and as a black woman and that majic (I prefer to spell magic as Majíc) isn’t always the source of evil and it’s nature is partof life. That's why I keep my dawl page open. Hoping that others will love the art and beauty in what so many may feel is dark. I created a mini gnome just to see if I can and included it in a post with a story last Halloween.  (Jon Holding a majical gnome at the Laughing Skull Majic Shop) Alex The FairyFindr: Do you have a favorite doll or couple of dolls that you have made? What strikes you about them? What makes them special in your heart. I love my mod dolls mostly because I spent so much time cultivating their look based on their personalities I want to present to the world. On Instagram, I like to write the stories but mostly pulled into photography and its ability to tell the story by itself. It has been my main reason for creating my Dawl page. Its about them and not me, though my mini-me is also having her best life on there! I want them to have incredible lives apart from my own. All my dreams and wishes I want to represent in all my dolls but mostly my black dolls. My favorite dolls this month are, Zhinga, Suzi, Dev, Tigre, and a few other dolls I haven't showcased as of yet. I enjoy that they are free spirited and even aspects of my own personality is put into their dawl lives. Tigre is a DJ and he enjoys partying and hospitality jobs. He is not bound by his mininess…big fun loving personality.  (Headshot of Tigre) (Zhinga - Caribbean Beauty with and African name. She has inherited her family's legacy and opened her majic shoppe to the community. It will be their 1st year anniversary in October.) (Dev has majical aspects that I showcase every now and then. She reads her crystal ball, she tells fortunes with Tarot cards and even has voodoo dolls to sell. I made them from clay.) (Suzi is down for whatever. I envisioned her hair and physical transformations months before posing her finished look. It's like the direct manifestation from my creative mind. She is free-spirited as well, she's a wildcard and we will show this with her presence. Also one of Zhinga’s best friend.) (This is my mini me, JuanaDawl, taking on her minidreams and making them big. She lives the life that I'm not currently living, because dawls have all the fun!) (Jon Baptiste - one of my favorite mod male beauties. He is Haitian- Virgin Island-born. He loves the Virgin Islands, his culture is very important to him.  He is a teacher, philosophy is in his background.) Alex The FairyFindr: Walk us through the process for creating one of your characters , what comes first? The character? The doll? Is it different for each one? Its the hair…🤣 before I set up a scene, the hair gotta be right. Its a pet peeve of mine. I style their hair, put hair gel on it then wrap it with saran wrap, then I leave them in my car during work and have the heat and sun do what's natural. Here’s a couple photos… This process can be a day or two because its outcha! 🤣 and it is less laborious to me since I can be at work while its going on and all I have to do is unwrap and put on their clothing and set up the scene. Sometimes the character comes first sometimes its the doll and then everything is created from the persona I envision. The hair color and everything comes from the persona. Then the stories fall into place. I have a notebook of profiles, down to the friends they befriend… Alex The FairyFindr: What are some of your favorite OOAK doll creation techniques, products, or tips and tricks? In the last answer I expressed my hair styling process with my dolls. I used to do it like everyone else and boil heads or pour boiling water to the styled hair but I find that my sun heating process is more permanent…mostly depending on how many days in the intense head of the car. I also make their jewelry because I'm a jewelry designer, too. Yes I sold my original jewelry. But I am learning that the scale is the difference in wire jewelry detail for dawls. Then, if I'm going for a certain look, their clothes gotta be right.  I design those also, choosing the material, I go to Hobby Lobby and Joanns Fabrics for that. My mod dolls, for instance my male dolls, I enjoy playing with facial hair, usually from the heads of other dolls. I got a bag of heads…yes if dolls I took off bodies I didn't want. I use doll hair mostly. But sometimes, I go to the beauty supply and look for human hair in the clearance basket and use that. I use synthetics, but I have also used my own hair on my mini me doll wigs, for authenticity. I make wigs which I call wiggies, lovingly. Sometimes I just make the dawl clothes to match the feel of the doll. Like Suzi gotta wear unusual clothing that makes her a sexy bad@ss!  Then the photography tools, lighting doll diorama, furniture, atmosphere, and the right camera phone. For my male dolls, I usually flock to the beards by either doing hair transplants from other dolls I have or I buy hair. For the bad a55 beard game I flock or cut portions off a textured hair type so that they look like it grew from their face. I use tacky glue so it stays long but I can give it different looks by peeling it off like a toupee!    Alex The FairyFindr: What advice do you have for new doll creators who feel overwhelmed by the process of making over a doll for themselves?  Your dolls represent you. It says a lot! It shows if you took proper care to take the photos in the right light and atmosphere. It also speaks to what is most important to you to showcase to your audience. Personally, I don't just post pics to post. I work on how I feel about a photo or vid before sharing it to everyone. Hair, lighting, props, atmosphere and clothing is the most important aspects of Instagram storytelling for me. Alex The FairyFindr: Have you received any feedback from other black folks regarding your art? How do you think representation in your stories and characters impacts others? I only know the impacts when folks leave comments. I really want the feedback, honest feedback beyond leaving a like. I always post with the intention of engaging. During Halloween I post my black dolls enjoying the season, I hope that people see it that way and not see it as “Oh no its scary to showcase that”…I can't change people's minds but I want them to see the art and hard work and creative thought put into Dawlies. Alex The FairyFindr: How do you envision your art and the stories you create empowering black children and adults? What positive influence do you hope to have on their lives and sense of belonging? I want black adults to be ok with creating things for black people but also to share to the world that we are more than what was portrayed in the world through the media for over a hundred years. Being a doll owner, I want to post what we take with us in the future which is of culture and beauty and it can be whatever we like it to be in the doll community. I enjoy doll play and I encourage it for black women and men. Let's all show more than what is expected of us. Let’s blur the lines, let’s make a world we want to see as a reality. Hopefully it will be encouraged for many more generations. Alex The FairyFindr: Have you come across any challenges or obstacles while reclaiming folklore for black folks? (Ex: Black Ariel from The Little Mermaid)  How do you navigate those challenges and maintain authenticity in your storytelling? About the black Ariel…while I feel like it was a beautiful retelling of the original I would like us to create our own original stories with black people. I still enjoy the telling with the black characters. For instance the retelling of the “Interview of a Vampire” by Anne Rice which is one of my favorite authors. I watch and I appreciate the differences that they add pertaining to race and history. Alex The FairyFindr: How do you think your art to contributes to preserving and revitalizing black folklore for future generations? What legacy do you hope to leave through your art work? Acceptance is what I appreciate not only as a black doll collector but as a human being, spiritual being that is trying to show that it is alright to use dolls to create a work from your very own perspective. Alex The FairyFindr: What advice or message would you like to share with other black artists or folks who are passionate about reclaiming their cultural heritage and folklore through creative expression? Let us keep on encouraging and praising each other’s art and encourage more personalized story telling. Let's talk about it, let’s show it! Alex The FairyFindr: How do you approach the process of researching and incorporating authentic African and African-American folklore into your fairytale art? Are there specific resources or cultural references that inspire you? Sometimes I do research Caribbean, African and African American folklore to portray in my doll posts. There are a lot more books and blogs and resources than they were in the past. I want everyone to be comfortable with folklore representation but I also understand the stigmas about it as well. I always want to approach with positivity, love and light. Alex The FairyFindr: Can you share any stories where you witnessed the impact of representation in fairytales on young black children or adults? How did it make you feel? This is why I wanted to introduce my youngest niece to play with black dolls, so that she can have an image to boost positive self image. Society still provides media that tells black folks that they have to take away to be inclusive. I wanted her to know that there is more. Love those images within and on the outside. Gaps in tooth and all! I have witnessed another niece loving to choose the darker skinned doll over any other because it looks like her.  Alex The FairyFindr: Have you encountered any misconceptions or resistance from others regarding the portrayal of black characters in fairytales? How do you address those challenges and foster understanding? So far most of the people I come across either in the doll community or black people I know as friends, have been encouraging and supportive, but I was told by someone that dolls are scary and they wouldn't like for anyone to make a custom doll of them because of their ideas about voodoo and majic. I expressed that that's their ideals and other black folk see this as a way to have someone that looks like you as a symbol of hope and beauty. Alex The FairyFindr: Do you believe that reclaiming folklore and creating new narratives for black characters can help bridge the cultural gap between different communities? If so, how? I hope that my portrayal of black characters in skits and such raise awareness or make others comfortable with culture but understand that generalizations aren't the real deal. I love the doll community because most of my experiences with my dolls in all their variety has been taken positively. The real world I get looks or odd questions when I bring up my dolls. “Well my grandbaby plays with dolls often, or What kind of dolls,” with a horrifying look…im aware of their perceptions of what a doll is for but a few times I've changed a mind or two, where as they want to see my doll page and are in awe by my art. Alex The FairyFindr: Have you collaborated with other artists or storytellers who share a similar mission of reclaiming folklore for black communities?  Yes, their are a few black people that has reached and I have reached out to collaborate on projects. Some are Christmas gift exchanges, family photos with one of my nieces, who is also an adult doll collector. We are collabing on the HEROcon event which is (TODAY) August 22-27, 2024. (HEROcon 2022, Doll comic con) Alex The FairyFindr: How do you balance the preservation of traditional fairytales with the need for cultural adaptation and inclusivity in your own storytelling? Do you incorporate elements from multiple cultures? Yes! Dawlieland, I have made sure, will have dolls from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. Some of the stories tell aspects of their lives and history. Also their cultural differences have a lot to do with their interaction and the personality quirks and ideals.  Alex The FairyFindr: In what ways do you see your fairytale art contributing to the larger movement of representation and diversity in the arts? How does it intersect with other forms of creative expression? In posting my fantasy and fairy art with gnomes and others folklore creatures, I have encouraged others to be inspired to create things beyond the norms and post them and share those aspects of themselves. Sometimes when I scroll I'm absolutely in awe of the many creations that inspire me. I have inspirational posts saved so that they can open my mind to other ideas to create on my own page. Sometimes I would give a shout out to the one that inspired my art in the community. Alex The FairyFindr: Have you encountered any challenges in terms of finding an audience or platform for your fairytale art? How have you navigated those challenges and found opportunities to share your work? Many people understand my fairy play is art. So far I haven't had anyone come at me in a negative way, as to how I WISH to portray my Dawlieland characters and stories. I have mostly positive experiences. I did have a doll collector steal some money for items I provided payment for that she never mailed to me. That was a big revelation to me. It makes me a little leery. I won't do that again. Alex The FairyFindr: Do you believe that retelling fairytales with black characters can help challenge societal stereotypes and biases? How can storytelling be a powerful tool for social change? I think that it's important to understand that everyone has their own views on the black experience and only we can tell that story, but there are times that I have seen black stories told in a positive, qualitative light by non-black people. What I have seen in the doll community is mostly positive representation. We, as black people would like to see more variety of facial features such as the many varieties of our lips, nose and eyes. Hopefully, the black folks at Mattel will guide the industry to provide further accurate representation.  (Voodoo dolls made of clay) Alex The FairyFindr: Have you observed any shifts in the industry or society's reception towards diverse and inclusive fairytales? How do you think this progress can be further encouraged and sustained? I really really appreciate how Barbie has evolved with the Fashionista and Barbie Signature Looks lines and the variety of the complexion and sizes of the dolls. I enjoy the hair textures as well with braids, locs and afros! Even the dolls with different handicaps, disabilities and doll image positivity. I enjoy seeing customized dolls for those who dare to go on the custom doll creations and repaint, recreations. This is the art that I enjoy within the community. It is so beautiful seeing what people come up with and share. So inspirational! Alex The FairyFindr: Are there any specific fairytale characters or stories from African or African-American folklore that you feel particularly connected to or find inspiring? Why? Anancy is a trickster deity that hailed from Africa and it is freely shared through oral tradition throughout centuries. My mom and other community elders told us tales of Anancy. We were told of African folklore and mythical creatures such as Jumbies, Goat Foot Woman, blood sucking old ladies that trick men into thinking she is a beautiful woman, children who die a horrible death and are brought back as trickster spirits, their feet are backwards and many more tales were shared. Alex The FairyFindr: How do you think your art can contribute to promoting cultural pride and a stronger sense of identity among black folks? Have you seen this impact in your own life or the lives of others? I support my black doll community by engaging with the many extraordinary doll friends I have met in my almost 4 years with my doll page posts.  Support by messaging, commenting on posts and expressing interest in more than just the physical layers of Barbie Collecting. There is a story with everyone that I encourage them to share, give an understanding as to how they see this doll community. I enjoy the stories and banding together to encourage positive imagery, adult doll stories and freedom of speech and posts and well as an supporting and encouraging community. Alex The FairyFindr: Can you share any upcoming projects or future aspirations you have regarding your art and the representation of black characters in folklore? I currently have a schedule for the rest of this year and I am working on next years doll projects. Upcoming event is the HEROcon (doll comic con) which is my original project/event. I did the first run in 2022, thus year we will have an original Hero costume competition with prizes. We will also have Panalists.  The next event will be Halloween #SpookyDawlSeason all are encouraged to join in as well. 25 Days of Christmas and 5 Christmas themes which the dolls will have 5 traditional/nontraditional decor.  Next year we have many other original events and projects planned! Stay tuned! Let's thank our friend Juana for joining the FairyFindr Fam and sharing her art and stories with us! We loved learning about your heritage, fairytale dolls, and storytelling. Your work is truly captivating and inspires me all the time, I just know it will inspire everyone else here! Don't forget #BLACKFOLKLOREMATTERS 🧚🏿‍♂️🧚🏾🧚🏽‍♀️🧙🏾‍♀️🧝🏾‍♂️🧝🏾🧝🏿‍♀️🧙🏾‍♂️🧙🏿🧌🧛🏿‍♀️🧛🏿🧛🏿‍♂️🧞‍🧜🏿‍♀️🧜🏿🧜🏾‍♂️👼🏿🎅🏿🦸🏿‍♀️🦸🏾🦸🏾‍♂️🪄🦄🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️✨🦋 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Social Links D.A.W.L.I.E.S. - @d.a.w.l.i.e.s on Instagram  Contact:   🧚🏿‍♂️🧚🏾🧚🏽‍♀️🧙🏾‍♀️🧝🏾‍♂️🧝🏾🧝🏿‍♀️🧙🏾‍♂️🧙🏿🧌🧛🏿‍♀️🧛🏿🧛🏿‍♂️🧞‍🧜🏿‍♀️🧜🏿🧜🏾‍♂️👼🏿🎅🏿🦸🏿‍♀️🦸🏾🦸🏾‍♂️🪄🦄🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️✨🦋 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Lou's Dollirium

    Well FairyFindrs ,   Today I’m extremely grateful to introduce you beautiful beings to a wonderful and talented theater-designer-turned-doll-artist, Lou Gray!  When I stumbled upon her Instagram page @lousdollirium   as a fellow queer and trans OOAK doll artist, I was absolutely thrilled that there was someone else out there making transgender and drag dolls. Especially trans masculine dolls, even if most of hers are technically drag queens and drag kings, not trans men.  (Lou and her drag dolls! Day 5 of “Guys and Dolls” exhibition at the Yard Gallery, Stroud, England) Alex the FairyFindr: Hello Lou, welcome to the FairyFindr Fam! We are absolutely delighted to have you here with us! Please introduce yourself with your name and pronouns and tell us a bit about your art path throughout your life? Lou: “  Hi Alex, I’m Lou of Lou’s Dollirium - she/her - and I customize/transform dolls - mostly Barbies, Kens and Actionmen. Up until lockdown I was a theatre designer, but theatres all went dark in the UK during the Pandemic and so I started painting dolls then to keep myself occupied.  I trained in theatre design and approach doll transformation in the same way. As if they’re performers! I’ve also done other things -( I’m quite old! 63!) Eg. themed party decor, puppetry, When my kids were young, I ran workshops in schools. Alex the FairyFindr : What kind of workshops!? Lou : Ooh - model-making, murals, felt-making, giant puppets, costume, mask-making…   Theatre design covers quite a lot of skills! Alex the FairyFindr: Fantastic array of work! I’m also a multimedia artist! I find that that doll making and toy photography community and hobby is an intriguing and fulfilling way to hit a lot of these different artistic avenues. Lou: Agreed!  I often joke about the dolls, that they’re easier to work with than actors! They don’t complain! (Tons of close ups of various Drag Kings and Queens made by Lou) Alex the FairyFindr: 🤣🤣🤣 I can totally see that, I like that about dolls to they are never mean to me!  I know you initially did theater design, what inspired you to start making your drag dolls? Lou: Years ago I was working on a devised theatre show that was exploring issues like violence against women, pornography etc. As part of my design- research, I visited a ToysRus shop and was pretty horrified by the gender divide in the toy aisles. Actionmen seemed some of the worst at that time. Since then I’ve been interested in subverting those stereotypes. It amuses me to remove their weapons and aggressive macho expressions and paint drag makeup, give them wigs and dresses etc. That’s the main reason. But it’s got me into real Drag now!   Alex the FairyFindr: Did your love of drag come from working in theater or from anyone specific who inspired you? Lou: I guess it’s the OTT theatricality of drag and the wild costumes and the humour.  In England, we have traditional pantomimes with the hero of the story played by a woman - ‘Principle Boy’ and an older woman character played comically by a man…. The Pantomime Dame. Usually very rude! Alex the FairyFindr: That sounds amazing . I love the circus too, but hate the history of animal violence associated with it. However, I’ve always been extremely fascinated by human oddities, such as freak shows, they are right down my alley! I love that! I’m always intrigued by mimes! We have a famous one here in Detroit named Satori Circus , he’s wonderful! 🤡 Lou:   I’ll look him up 👍🏻 I also really love the Circus! Alex the FairyFind r: You’ll love him then for sure! There was recently a documentary made about him! I’ll link it in the blog  here ! Lou: Ok! Yes freak-shows! I’ve done a “tattooed lady” and several “tiger, jaguar, zebra and lizard people” They’re fun to paint! (You can see them on Lou's instagram here ) Just going back to drag performers who’ve inspired me: @lepustra is an absolutely gorgeous performer based in Berlin and I’ve done about 12 dolls of different characters of his…   He seems to be ok with he.  Here are his links: These are some of my Lepustra dolls:   Alex the FairyFindr : Ok Cool! I’m a fellow doll creator and artist, and yours are definitely some of the best and most interesting dolls I’ve seen in the OOAK doll community! How do you think your love of theater and design shines through in your doll and miniature work? Lou: “    Aww thanks!  As a theatre designer, I would do drawings of costume designs for actors. Those drawings would  about the same size as the dolls. So in a way, the dolls are just like  3D costume designs Many costume and fashion designers don’t draw faces on their drawings, but I always did. I love faces and trying to get a likeness. Here are a few old costume drawings for various theatre productions   I think my theatre background makes my work quite bold in style, in the way that theatre makeup is much bolder than film make-up. I love painting with a brush and acrylics and can’t be bothered with all that dusting with pastels and re-rooting hair etc like many doll artists. Alex the FairyFindr: Agreed it’s a lot of work, especially for folks as myself who suffer with chronic pain and carpal tunnel. Rerooting hair is just not possible for me . Lou : I’m sorry you suffer with those things, Alex I really dislike the synthetic hair as well. I quite often paint into it, or just shave it off and glue colored wool over it, or have actually rerooted a couple of times but with wool. Doll costumes are quicker and easier to make than human ones but follow the same principles, So having costume construction skills is helpful. Although I do often customize existing doll-clothes as well! I also like to think about putting the dolls into a setting or making installations, particularly window displays, with them…so I guess there I’m utilizing my experience in set design, lighting, model and prop making etc. Everything with the dolls is the same only smaller! Alex the FairyFindr: Yeah I also have scoliosis so a lot of art forms I can only do for a short period of time or in spurts when I’m feeling good. Lou : “oh, bless you, that’s tough xxx (Some of Lou's Transmasculine /drag king dolls) Alex the FairyFindr:  I’d love to see some of your dioramas. What types of materials do you use to make them? Lou : Boxes for levels, fabrics, vases, fake flowers, beads, fairy lights, background eg. vintage wallpaper, lights… depends… anything really! Getting the dolls to stand up is always a challenge! I’ve done quite a few window displays. These 6 were my most recent: (These were for a window installation at Boomtown festival in England) Alex the FairyFindr: I love your circus 🎪 themed work so much it’s what got me to follow you in the first place! What inspires you most in the doll making process?  Lou : Things I’ve been inspired by, so far: circus, drag, Mexican day of the dead, Frida Khalo, mermaids, animals, Weimar Republic, protest.. who knows what next? With the process: the finishing touches are the most fun part! I like getting commissions to make portrait dolls of specific people. Can be quite challenging sometimes. But it’s nice to get involved with the person who’s commissioned the doll and communicate through the process about different details and stages.  I also enjoy doing research and finding images to inspire or guide me. So much easier now with search engines. When I was young it was just taking photocopies from books in libraries!! Alex the FairyFindr : That was one of my questions… If you take commissions! What’s the best way for folks to contact you and hire you to do a commission doll? Lou : It mostly happens through DMs on here, Instagram. I also have FB but prefer Instagram. I’ve never quite managed to get a website together!  Alex the FairyFindr: Me either, 🤣 it’s so exhausting honestly, trying to make a website! It took me years just to get a blog website up! Walk us through the process of making one of your dolls from first conception of an idea, to picking the doll, finding or making the clothes, and the end product with the box and everything else that doll has included.  Lou: Ok.  Recently, I decided that I needed a Josephine Baker doll in the 1920s themes window. She was a famous black dancer and singer from back then   I have a few black dolls in my collection of preloved (only use 2nd hand dolls - am anti-plastic, really!) Anyway JB had a very tight close hairstyle and I didn’t want to cut any of my black dolls hair, so I chose a bald white doll and painted her brown all over with the black hair.  She’s a particularly good doll with articulated joints that I’d been saving for something special. She does have beautiful inset blue eyes, which probably aren’t right for Josephine Baker, but look very pretty with her brown skin I had to do her quickly for the Boomtown display so only painted her skimpy costume on and added sparkly Christmas decoration leaf-wings. I intend soon to make her a skirt out of tiny bananas, which is a costume she was famous for. Alex the FairyFindr: Upcycling and reusing trash or old and broken dolls and toys is a huge part of my passion and ethics as an artist as well. Everything I do has a bit of trash or reused something or other. Lou:  Same here. Absolutely re-use!  Many of the Drag Queens are squeezed into Barbie dresses!  And I made presentation boxes for them out of green-bean boxes from my local greengrocer. But yes I’m passionate about recycling as much as possible in this Age of Plastic! Alex the FairyFindr : Absolutely. I pick up boxes of toys from folks on Facebook marketplace or sometimes even come across boxes full of toys and plushies in the trash, it’s crazy what people throw into landfills. Lou: Yeah, I occasionally go to car-boot sales, (there are great ones in Normandy, France)  but actually most of the dolls I get are donations from people clearing out their grownup kids old toys.  My own daughter gave me all hers too. She’s 19 now. Alex the FairyFindr : Do you ever write storylines for your dolls and put them in peculiar predicaments?  If so, describe to the audience what your fave one was? Lou: Yes. I can’t help myself 😂 They all have names and characters so the story potential is endless! When I started with the dolls, I also started my first and only instagram account and posted a serial story in daily installments about a circus and a bunch of DragQueens.  The story became a bit too complicated after a while and I abandoned it. But it’s still there:   this is just before I abandoned the story. It had just got too silly! This caption tells the story in my head that was behind a window display that I did for Bristol Pride last year “The Blue Fairy”   And this a film showing that window   Alex the FairyFindr: Do you feel sad when you sell a doll and have to part ways with them? Personally I feel like I’m grieving the loss of a child even though I want my dolls to get adopted it still feels like a part of me is being lost when they go to a new home and it took me several years of making the dolls to even consider selling them! Lou : Oh yes, particularly when I started! Now I have accumulated so many it’s not quite so hard. The most recent one I’ve done is always my favourite.  Now I’m better at photographing them, it makes it a bit easier to part with them - if I have good photos. But sometimes, with commissions, there isn’t much time to photograph them. Alex the FairyFindr: Please tell us about this most recent art gallery exhibit that you had with your drag dolls! The pics look amazing and I’d love to hear about the experience!  Lou:  I’ve only been doing these dolls since lockdown, 4 years ago, so that’s not long. This was my very first exhibition - theatre designers don’t have exhibitions, they work towards putting on productions. So it was all quite daunting.  But it was a joint exhibition with a collage-artist friend. He’d had several exhibitions before, found this new gallery, booked it and asked if I’d like to join him a few months ago.  I jumped at the chance.  It was just a flat fee to hire the space. Very reasonable No commission to pay and a couple of months to get my work ‘exhibition-ready’!  My friend produced a set of new collages about the Apollo 11 moon landing as well as older work. I produced a set of new Drag Dolls with rude drag-names on their presentation boxes, as well as my older work - quit a lot of which I presented in deep frames or shadow-boxes. I wanted to hang the dolls on the wall. I sold some of the older work and some photos that I’d had printed, but was disappointed that not one of the Drag queens sold at the exhibition. I think, in hindsight, that the small market-town of Stroud was probably the wrong audience for these dolls. My next exhibition will be in the pretty funky city of Bristol, where I actually live! But I’m confident that the Drag queens will sell online nearer to Christmas. Other years people have bought them to put on top of their Christmas trees! It was very exciting to see my work presented like this and people seemed to enjoy the exhibition. My co-exhibitor and I were both there every day to chat with people. It was fun to see people’s reactions to our work. A lot of people were laughing. Particularly when they read my doll-names out loud!   Alex the FairyFindr : How do you come up with the names for each doll and whereabouts in the process does the name usually come about? Lou: Haha!  The most recent lewd drag doll names (eg Arlene Ova - below) were brainstormed with friends and I with wine around a bonfire, while camping. Much hilarity!  I then chose the dolls that seemed to fit the names! But other doll names just come to me while I’m creating them. Alex the FairyFindr : Do you ever take commissions from folks if they wanted to have you make a very own drag doll of their own? Lou: Yes, I have a few drag friends that I’ve done dolls of. Here’s (below) one of my lovely friend, PG, dressed as a character he created called ‘The Blue Fairy’: I did it for him to say thank you for collaborating with me and the use of his gallery-window for a big display for last years Bristol Pride: “The Blue Fairy’s Closet’. Here is a nice story about a mum who commissioned me to make a drag mermaid doll of her son, who had rejected boys toys and had an Ariel-mermaid that they’d loved as a child   Aida HD - storytelling-DragQueen:   This was a doll that I made of a Drag queen that I follow, tagged them and, as a consequence, they bought it! I made this one, Baga Chipz, A famous UK Drag Queen from DragRace, as a thank you gift to a woman for donating a whole box of Actionmen to me through the post. I tagged Baga Chipz on a post about it and they shared this picture on their Instagram stories which was a big buzz!  I have had commissions from other people wanting dolls of themselves.  This one comes to mind - a commission from a french actor inspired him to make this funny video in response   ♥️ I’ve also done a doll of myself which I use as my profile pic (below). (Lou's Mini Me Doll) But usually commissions are for other people. I have one coming up for an English singer famous in the 80s, called Adam Ant. (He’s still alive, I think) Last year, I did the late Freddie Mercury of Queen..    Alex the FairyFindr : Wow! Amazing job on Freddie Mercury- he would absolutely love this doll! Where can folks find you online and how should they contact you to buy or commission work? Lou: At the moment it’s mostly Instagram And Facebook (I’m not so keen on FB tho)   I’m in the process of making my accounts easier to shop from. It’s all quite difficult and new for me, this selling thing, but I’ve learned a lot from conversations with potential customers at my recent exhibition.  Well FairyFindrs, let's give Lou a big welcome and THANK YOU for joining the FairyFindr Fam today and sharing her art and story with us! Stay tuned for more interesting interviews with talented artists, stories and more! If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the fae bless you, Alex the FairyFindr // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

  • Aloysius the Gnomalope

    Hello my lovely FairyFindrs I’m here today sure a little post from my mobile blog editor to show you a new drawing ✍️ I created the other evening. Meet Aloysius the Gnomalope! It’s me— as a cryptid hybrid! I am a gnome, jackalope, fairy, elf hybrid creature and I’m one of a KIND ;) If you want to support me and. the work, art, and businesses I support here on my self-hosted website you can check out my shop or Subscribe to one of my monthly Patreon tiers where you'll see early access of all my blogs, art, merch drops, and Patreon exclusive content!! Subscribe on Patreon under ADHDalex : ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU  got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree  or connect on our FairyFindr Website , OR email me at   May the gnomalope bless you, Alex the FairyFindr  // Marvelous Magical Miniatures

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