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  • Writer's pictureAlex Hood

Richelle: The Richycler

Welcome back my lovely FairyFindr Fam!

Today we have a very exciting interview with my doll friend, Richelle. She is an artist with a passion for reusing and upcycling materials in her artwork. I came across her work on Instagram @therichycler and it gave me instant Sid Phillips from Toy Story vibes! She creates hybrid dolls and toys just like me and just like Sid, we instantly bonded over creating our monster and hybrid creations! 

In this interview we will learn what inspired Richelle, about her artistic process, and what plans she has for the future of her artwork! Without further delays, let’s get into the interview!

Alex the FairyFindr: Richelle, thank you so much for joining the FairyFindr Fam and enlightening us with your art and insights! Please begin by introducing yourself, your pronouns, and where folks can connect with you on the internet if they’re interested in chatting or buying some of your art! 

  • Richycler “  Hiii! Thanks so much for having me. My name is Richelle and recycle, thus "The Richycler" my pronouns are a Her/She. I'm a disabled (MS), bisexual, mother living in Alberta Canada. All of my art is made from second hand finds. From thrift stores to your grammas basement, and everywhere in between. No new materials are used since the world is drowning in garbage. Even my glue and wires I find second hand. You can find me mainly on my IG page but I do have a website that l often forget to check. “ 

(In my room with my fav lamp. I love lamp and making them)

Alex the FairyFindr: Your dolls and artwork have a very ethereal otherworldly and  whimsical vibe, where does your inspiration come from?

  • Richycler “ I’ve always been one with nature and was raised on a lot of dry humour and cartoons. I find comedy in every day things and try to show that in my works. Showing people what you can do with “trash” is my main inspiration. I love making people think outside the egg. My brain is just wired differently, I’ve been told. “

Alex the FairyFindr: I’m the same exact way, I proudly show others what types of things they can use in their dollhouse and art from everyday materials, mostly plastics since I don’t want those being added to the landfills or oceans. 

The whole point of upcycling is to give life and transformation to old and discarded objects through your artwork. Tell us about the themes of transformation and renewal in your art and how you relate to them in your personal life?

  • Richycler “ My family has never been keen on buying things new. We have always tried to repair and renew before rebuying. Growing up that way has been a huge help with realizing things grow and change over time. Not always for the better. 

I used to be a chef/butcher but when I got sick, I had to completely upheave my lifestyle. Huge changes were made. My artwork definitely reflects these emotions. Broken things can be mended, like my body. Some things take a lot of time, but will be worth it in the end. If you aren’t growing, you aren’t living, in my opinion.“

(I found a bag of Monster High dolls on Marketplace that were all missing arms and heads.

The legs turned into these gorgeous leggy monsters)

Alex the FairyFindr: I didn’t realize you were disabled, I’m recently coming to terms with allowing myself to call myself disabled as well. I have chronic pain, scoliosis, and carpal tunnel. But channeling our emotions into our art is so important when you’re disabled, I’ve got a lot of disabled artist friends and their art is really their saving grace honestly, as is mine. 

What role does experimentation play in your process? How much of it is made up as you go, as opposed to rigidly planning out each piece?

  • Richycler “Uuugh. Sorry to hear that. It’s been a slippery slope but with support it’s manageable. I owe a lot to my partner stepping up and taking care of me and our kid when shit hit the fan. Not too many people get this support and they suffer. I see it happen too much and I just wish everyone was more like my Steve. Big hugs and I hope you get all your answers fast. The medical system isn’t really there for people like us. 

Honestly, I’m terrible at “planning out my art” I’ll get an idea and have to run downstairs to set it up so I don’t forget. I do have a list of just “thoughts” that I pull from here n there but mostly it’s just “I’m gonna make this!” And then I make it. I’m the most non rigid artist you’ll meet probably.

I also have a couple friends who send me ideas constantly and I try to keep up with some of them and make them my own.“

(Wearable, upcycled by painting and adding the collar, Papier-mâché bunny head) 

Alex the FairyFindr: Haha I’m the same way as an ADHD artist absolutely nothing is planned and absolutely everything is procrastinated! lol 😂 

What types of materials or products do you use most in your artwork?

  • Richycler “  Pretty sure I’m some form of undiagnosed ADHD like some artists.

All kinds of materials. I’ve made stuffed animals from old clothes, purses from old stuffed animals, all sorts of dolls, I recently filled some hollow display legs for socks with dirt and made them planters. I’ve used teacups for bird feeders, needle felting here n there, I’ve done some resin art, yes I found the resin second hand, collages… you name it I’ve probably tried it or made something like it. But everything is second hand. No new materials ever are allowed. I want to do a mirror tile project but waiting around for second hand mirror tiles is getting annoying haha but that’s half the battle in life.. patience.  I forgot to mention jewelry. Aaaaalllll the broken jewelry.“ 

(A lovely little piece made with toys and jewelry bits.)

(Cat toys made from old patches.) 

Fraggle rock wreath! 

Alex the FairyFindr: How do you navigate being disabled and doing vendor events I’ve found that it’s a lot on my body as much as I love it, I can’t do shows alone I always need a helper. 

  • Richycler “It’s definitely been a learning curve. Last year I went too hard and destroyed myself. But I had to learn which markets were a good fit for me. I make sure I have a lot of water and snacks, pillows for my old ass, and someone to come relieve me here n there so I can pee. Plenty of rest leading up to the day and same for the days after. The key is to talk to as many people as you can. Makes the time go by fast and usually you’re surrounded by other strange and unusual people, being artists n all, that it makes the day go by so fast cause you’re having fun meeting new weirdos. 

    I also love doing art trades. I go around and meet everyone and tell them if they want to do a trade end of sale that I’m down. Not everyone wants my stuff which is totally understandable but usually it pans out and makes the day a lot more exciting cause you’re getting new art and getting rid of yours at the same time.“

(All trades! The shirt I bought cause I couldn’t leave it and really wanted to support the artist.)

Alex the FairyFindr: Yesss I did that same thing at my last art show and traded a couple of prints for 2 hand made crocheted plushies-  Mothman and Slenderman!

Like me, you try to use as much recycled and reused materials as possible in your artwork and that’s a huge reason I was drawn to your artwork initially. Please share with the FairyFindr Fam what inspires you most regarding upcycling and why is it a central role in your art and business? 

  • Richycler “ My biggest inspiration is “won’t someone please think of the children” We are leaving behind a garbage soaked polluted future for our kids. I try to inform anyone who will listen to try and use less. Fix that sweater before you buy a new one. Shop local. Every little bit helps and is needed more than ever. Also… tax the rich! Save the animals. They don’t deserve this shit either. “Fuck the World, Save Nature” Bumper stickers available soon.“

“One of my first pieces. “Mother Nature”

Alex the FairyFindr: Yess I’m here for it, put me on the list for one!

Tell us about the process of creating a project? Do you start with an idea or a certain doll or toy and go from there? Use as much detail as possible to describe your process on a timeline. 

  • Richycler “It all depends. Some times I’ll see an item and be like oh that could be this, and I’ll do that. Other times I have an idea like my Wizard of Oz wreath (see below) my sister has. Took me three years to collect all the pieces for it.

    The rainbow troll wreaths are my most popular item and those take a lot of time and collecting. Some things are made in minutes while others take months. Some times I’m all about the details and others I’m like-- good enough! “

(The munchkin with the yellow hat took me years to find.

This was on my wall incomplete the whole time. Just waiting patiently …)

Alex the FairyFindr: Do you have a favorite art piece that you have created? If so, why? You can tell us about a few if you have a hard time picking just one. 

  • Richycler “For sure! I have a few favs. Meemaw is a sock puppet I made with my friends' mom's old dentures. I also have a bra top I made from Barbie faces that was a huge hit. There’s a wreath I made with Lord Darkness from Legend that I doubt I’ll ever sell either.


(Top made from Barbie faces and a couple Mrs clauses for the nipples. Hope mine aren’t peeking!)

(Pregnant mannequin body turned plant stand)

Alex the FairyFindr: What types of messages or stories are you trying to convey through your artwork?

  • Richycler “ Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. To stop wasting so much, do you really need that top in five colours? And it’s ok to fix things and shop second hand. When I was a kid, you were ridiculed for having hand-me-downs or shopping at the thrift stores. Now it’s so different. The youth of today are all for the upcycling and I’m excited! “

(My blanket made from my t-shirts from my teens)

Alex the FairyFindr: Many artists have ideals that inspire them in their art, whether it be nature, emotion, or social change. What is the main ideals, visions, or goal of The Richycler? 

  • Richycler “ Just saving the planet in whatever tiny way I can. Knowing I’ve done all I can for my kids future will mean I will die happy. Never been much of a goal person. I enjoy to fly by the seat of my pants. Just gonna keep on doing what I’m doing and see what opportunities present themselves or I discover.“

(Bathroom bathing beauties)

Alex the FairyFindr: Please tell the audience about a time where you had a memorable reaction or interaction with your art from someone else, child or adult, and what stuck out to you most about that experience?

  • Richycler “ I’ll share one good, one bad and one funny.  

    The good one was John Rhys-Davies wanted to meet me after seeing the doll I made of Gimli. He told me I was brilliant and to keep up the good work. 

(This was my best day ever)

The bad can be a handful of times when I get eye rolls and arguments about how “it’s not that bad”. These people don’t even know about the pacific garbage patch but feel the need to tell me I’m wrong. Denial can be an ugly thing! 

And the funny, well funny to me… a little girl came up to my table and yelled at me for “wrecking all the Barbies!” She cried and her mom and I had to explain that they were already wrecked and I just gave them new life. Hilariously sweet.

Alex the FairyFindr: Awwww the little girl is so sweet! Such cute stories, thanks for sharing!

  • Richycler “ I also keep a “Sid Count” at every sale. Every time I’m referenced to Toy Story or Sid I make a mark. It’s been fun. I’ve also had a lot of people do the whole “I had no idea, thank you for telling me” which is always peachy.”

(Baby squid!)

Alex the FairyFindr: LOL a Sid count! I proudly proclaim he’s my hero and explain how he was just abused and neglected and acting out but he’s truly an artist at heart and doesn’t know what to do with his angst. He actually grows up to become a garbage man who saves toys from the trash

  • Richycler “Who needs a ton of therapy 🤣 

    I think he’d be terrified of toys after what happened. If mine all came to life they would def try to kill me. Saving them so they won’t murderface him? Lololol” 

Alex the FairyFindr: 😂 I don’t think that’s true at all actually I think they’d be happy they’re not sitting in a pile of trash rot

  • Richycler “I hope so! I like your logic better.” 

Alex the FairyFindr: Folks often think dolls and toys are for kids— you’re an adult woman why the hell are you playing with dolls and toys and making weird art out of them? What would you say to the naysayers?

  • Richycler “ I tell them growing up is a trap and if you can’t hold on to a bit of your youth then you’re gonna be miserable.  “

Alex the FairyFindr: I agree, everyone always tells me I have a sense of childlike wonder and whimsy about me and I love living life that way.

  • Richycler “ I think more and more people are realizing it’s ok to like toys when you’re old. Especially with our generation. We were raised in such a wild time of new toys and games, too much fun to forget. And we’re all depressed so the nostalgia helps keep us alive lol“

(Here’s my childhood toys and more on a wreath. This one’s never getting sold) 

Alex the FairyFindr: Have you ever come across any challenges while creating a project that seemed impossible to overcome? How did it all play out?

  • Richycler  "For sure. I have a whole corner of abandoned projects. Things that I hit a wall with and just got distracted with other things. My mind goes too fast sometimes and I’m like I wanna do this now and things get forgotten. I think that’s also a sign of ADHD hahaha.

    This last year has been the most difficult for me to create. I wake up and spend time reading the atrocities of the world, usually have a good cry and try to go about my day but it’s been rough. When I have a deadline is when I get things done, of course.“

(Collage I made and then covered in resin)

Alex the FairyFindr: Definitely a sign of ADHD, last year I hosted an art show of All ADHD artists, called Art Without ATTN Convention and part of my showcase was all my half finished projects.

  • Richycler “  That’s such a great idea. There’s a group here who collects unfinished projects and redistributes them throughout to whoever will want to finish them.“

Alex the FairyFindr: That’s absolutely beautiful I might start doing that around metro-Detroit

Has there ever been a time where a project turned out completely differently than initially imagined?

  • Richycler “I think most of projects take a turn somewhere from what my original plan was. I’ll find items to add afterwards that I never thought of before and it’ll change the whole thing. A lot of the wreaths turn out like this. Or I’ll be making something super pretty and then add something really silly at the end just cause it goes so well but wasn’t originally meant to be there at all. “

Alex the FairyFindr: Can you recall a time where you found an unexpected treasure among the trash or discarded? What’s your fave find and what did it later transform into through your artwork? 

  • Richycler “I found a headless lawn flamingo sticking out of a garbage bin in the back alley near my house once. I turned it into this“

And the horn I used for lord darkness was a tiny thing I found on the ground in the park”

Alex the FairyFindr: That’s charming as hell, I love it! 

What advice do you have for others who may want to create more artworks with trash or reused materials, but might not know quite where to start?


  • Richycler “ Abundance is key. The more garbage you collect the more ideas you might have. But it’s also important to try and stay organized so you don’t lose things in your abyss of previously unwanted items. Let people know you’re looking for old stuff, they’re probably gonna donate it anyways so it doesn’t hurt to ask. Try to see the beauty in the broken. And forget all ideas of “perfection” that’s just not possible and such a silly thing to strive for. Practice makes progress.“

Alex the FairyFindr: LOL my art room becomes a board pile very quickly

  • Richycler “  I really need to take my own advice. I’m in the process of dejunking for a big move next summer. So it’s like extra spicy in my craft room right now. “

Alex the FairyFindr: Haha don’t we all?

Have you ever collaborated with other artists or local businesses? If not, is that something you’re interested in doing? 

  • Richycler “  Yes I have! I do lots with a local group called Art Spot. I have been a part of their markets mostly but this year I got to work on a haunted house for Screamfest this Halloween in Calgary AB. We did a haunted doll house and it was so much fun. My main room was the bedroom. I collected like 100 dolls from thrift stores and donations and made them all zombie like. I really enjoyed it and hope to do more things like that in the future.  But enjoy working alone mostly ha!“

(The bedroom in the haunted doll house I helped with.

See my kid being a creep on the bed. It’s all for him. Everything.)

Alex the FairyFindr: I get that I’m a control freak lol but I also love the freeform flow of collaborating with someone too.

What is your dream for the future of your brand The Richycler? 

  • Richycler “ For sure! I’m super easy going to and work well with other. Kitchen back ground, have to be a team player.

I don’t know honestly. I plan to keep at it and hope to make a bit of a mark on the garbage issue. I feel so small some days but at the same time … “watch how the ripples grow… but it takes someone to start them!”

  Hoping my health doesn’t take a nose dive.  So I can keep thrifting till I die“

Alex the FairyFindr: I can see you hosting art shows too, like me. I have an idea for an art show at a recycle center that is all garbage artists called “One Man’s Trash” I’d be willing to share that idea with you though if you wanna steal it.

  • Richycler “ Love it! I’ve done a market like that last year it was great. Every artist had to have some aspect of recycling in their works. 

I did a workshop beginning of the year and just brought in as much as I could and had everyone make whatever they could think of. It was lots of fun to. Would like to do more of those for sure. One man’s trash is wonderful!” 

Alex the FairyFindr: That’s a great idea too maybe I’ll do the same try to get rid of some of this shit lol!

Do you take commissions? If not where can folks buy your one of a kind artwork?

  • Richycler “Yes I totally do commissions but they have to be pretty lenient with the piece cause I’m not gonna be buying the certain thing they want for it. I have to find it and it might take a while. My email or IG is the best place to get a hold of me. I’m on FB but try to avoid it like the plague. My email is 

One thing that’s hard though is shipping. Some of my things are such awkward shapes and sizes and weight that it can get pricey. But I’m open to it if anyone is interested 🥰” 

Richelle’s art can be physically found at Peak Boutique in Diamond Valley, Alberta, along with many random markets around Calgary.

(Had a bunch of wrecked trolls that I made into holiday tree trolls.

I was able to wash and comb out the hair and made this) 

Alex the FairyFindr: 😎 awesome! Well thanks again Richelle this has been absolutely enlightening and refreshing! I love talking with other artists about recycling and reusing materials because it’s so near and dear to my heart! Do you have any last thoughts for the FairyFindr Fam?

  • Richycler “I had a great time and think these artist interviews are such a good idea. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me! Can’t wait for what the future brings for us strange and unusual artists!” 

Alex the FairyFindr: Yes I agree I love doing artist spotlights because it’s so important to uplift other artists when the industry is always trying to pit us against each other.

(My most popular piece. I’ve recreated it about 7 times now)

(My set up at a market last year, my table looks different every time)

Thanks again! Richycler out 🖤

✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀

Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website, OR email me at

May the hybrid and monster dolls bless you,

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1 Comment

Aug 14

Awesome interview, absolutely love Richycler's work and philosophy, we definitely need to be much more aware of our footprint on Earth. 🌎🌺

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