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  • Writer's pictureAlex the FairyFindr

Moss + Lichen

Updated: Jul 11

Nature's ancient forest friends


(Moss and Mushroom from my friend's property in Northern Michigan. I transplanted a bunch of moss and collected other sticks and stones and lichen covered sticks back to my fairy garden, they were quite the magical additions!)

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of moss and lichen, where natural ancient beauty meets modern practicality. These remarkable ancient plants (450mil yrs-moss & 250mil yrs- lichen) have long enchanted us with their delicate structures and ethereal presence.

In this blog post, we will discover the enchanting qualities of mosses and lichens, exploring their economic and garden benefits, and the whimsy it will add to your gardens and natural spaces! You will learn how to grow, transplant, and incorporate them into your own fairy garden, adding a touch of magic to your miniature worlds and landscapes.

Origins of Moss Gardens:

Zen Buddhist monks have long been cultivating ethereal and meditative gardens, just like when moss gardens started to become popular in Japan!

Mosses: Timeless Elegance and Green Solutions

Mosses, with their timeless and ancient roots (or lack thereof), offer more than just a fairytale-aesthetic, they provide tons of economic and garden benefits that make them a valuable addition to any landscape. Mosses thrive in moist and shaded areas, making them ideal for gardens that already possess these conditions. They can be found growing naturally on the dark side of trees, enhancing the charm of woodland settings. Here’s how mosses can benefit your garden:

(Transplanted mosses from various areas of my property at my old house in Belleville, MI - Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Soil Erosion Control:

Mosses act as a natural soil stabilizer, preventing erosion on slopes and bare patches. Their dense, fibrous structure absorbs rainfall and holds the soil in place, reducing the risk of erosion and runoff.

Moisture Retention:

Mosses excel at moisture retention, helping to keep the soil consistently moist. This attribute is particularly beneficial in dry climates or areas with inconsistent rainfall, as mosses reduce water evaporation and maintain a more favorable moisture level for other plants in the garden.

Air Purification:

Mosses have the ability to absorb pollutants and filter the air, improving air quality. They capture dust particles and various pollutants, acting as a natural air purifier in your garden. Sometimes you see things on Pinterest with moss walls and carpets, however, it is not suitable for indoors, as it attracts various microscopic bugs and other pollutants.

(Transplanted mosses in my current fairy garden, from my friend's property up north as well as my own backyard - Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Growing Moss: From Spores to Lush Outdoor Carpets

If you're intrigued by moss and want to try your hand at growing your own, you can start from scratch using spores or moss samples from your neighborhood. Follow these steps to cultivate moss in your garden:

Prepare the Growing Area: Choose a moist and shaded area where moss is likely to thrive. Clear the area of debris and ensure the soil is loose and well-drained.

Collect Moss or Purchase Spores: Obtain moss samples from a nearby location or purchase moss spores from garden centers. Gently remove small patches of moss with a spatula or your hands, or sprinkle the spores directly onto the prepared soil.

(Transplanted moss from my friend's property in northern Michigan -

Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Provide Optimal Growing Conditions: Mosses prefer acidic and compacted soil. You can create this environment by mixing equal parts of compost and sand with your existing soil. Lightly moisten the soil and press the moss or spores onto the surface, gently patting them down. You can also place a few stones on the moss to ensure it is touching the soil beneath and encourage it to attach to the new surface.

Maintain Moisture and Patience: Mosses require consistent moisture to establish themselves. Mist the area regularly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Be patient, as mosses grow slowly. Within a few months, you will witness the transformation of bare ground into a lush carpet of green.

(A few gems from my last thrift haul in the fairy garden sitting upon a gorgeous rolling hills carpet of transplanted moss in my front yard fairy garden -

Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Harvesting and Transplanting Mosses and Lichens:

When incorporating mosses and lichens into your fairy garden, consider the following tips for harvesting and transplanting:

Harvesting Mosses: Carefully collect small patches of moss using a sharp knife or spatula (or your hands if you're like me and like to feel the earth on your hands). Ensure that the moss is moist when harvesting, and avoid removing large amounts from a single area to maintain the moss population in its natural habitat.

Transplanting Mosses: When transplanting moss, choose an area in your fairy garden that replicates its preferred growing conditions—moist, shaded, and compacted soil. Gently press the moss onto the prepared surface, making sure it adheres well. Mist the moss regularly until it establishes itself.

(Florence the Fairy holds her magic mushroom up, offering it to you, as she is perched upon a hill of transplanted moss at Ye Olde Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures at our old house in Belleville, Michigan. All of the mosses were transplanted from other areas of the property as well as the park across the street from our old house -

Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Creating Moss Paint: You can create a moss paint or paste with buttermilk. Watch a how-to video on YouTube here. After you create the paste with the buttermilk, simply use a paintbrush to paint design or on surfaces of statues, rocks, trees, or items that you want moss to grow. Keep out of direct sunlight and keep it moist so the moss can establish itself and start to grow. Here are some step by step written instructions if that's more your cup of tea!

Handling Lichens: Lichens are best left undisturbed in their natural habitats, as they have specific growth requirements and can be more challenging to transplant. Instead, if you get lucky, you will find pieces of natural debris with lichens growing on it that you can add to your garden, such as sticks, bark, and things of the like. You can also make fake lichen with various artistic mediums- be creative!

(An acorn cap sits upon some moss on a beautiful spring evening a couple years ago - Photography by Alex the FairyFindr)

Incorporating Mosses + Lichens

Into Your Fairy Garden:

To create a magical fairy garden with mosses and lichens, consider the following ideas:

Mossy Pathways and Carpets: Design twisting pathways that wind through your miniature landscape, or luscious moss carpets for the fairies and gnomes to enjoy on their front porch. These features add a sense of whimsy and enchantment, inviting fairies to explore the little worlds you've created for them.

(Moss naturally grows on the dark/shaded side of trees- I miss this tree more than I miss that house or property, it was the home of Ye Olde Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures and it will be forever in our hearts)

Tree Trunk Accents: Adorn the dark, shaded side of tree trunks with patches of moss, or paint the moss on to the trees as described above with the buttermilk method. This creates a magical nook and enhances the natural aesthetics of your garden.

Moss-Covered Items: Place moss-covered boulders (Like this one I found in the woods behind my old house pictured below), rocks, and pieces of bark or sticks strategically within your fairy garden to mimic magical resting spots for your fairy friends. These mossy havens add texture and visual interest, transporting your garden to a realm of wonder. I often find moss covered rocks and stones while walking my dog in the neighborhood or exploring the local forest and woods behind my house. Sometimes you'll even find them in your own garden if its moist and shaded enough... Never underestimate the power of nature!

(A moss covered boulder that I found in the woods behind my old house in Belleville, MI. It's super heavy and absolutely gorgeous, It's so pretty that Darin the Dragon here won't leave his perch even decades after his death)


Now that we have learned about the beautiful and ancient wonders of moss and lichen, STAY TUNED, because in the next blog we will meet another male artist and fairy garden creator who uses a ton of moss and lichen in his own gardens, fairy gardens, and other artistic creations! I came across The Magic Tree Box on Instagram and instantly fell in love with the aesthetic of his artwork, lots of moss, natural resources, and an overall enchanting vibe.

✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀

Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website, OR email me at 

May the Moss Fairies Bless You,

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