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  • Writer's pictureAlex Hood

MI Cryptids Glossary

Updated: Aug 13


Welcome back FairyFindr Fam, to this beautiful Monday Morning, bright and early, for #MysteriousMichiganMondays we will be discussing all of the various cryptids, paranormal entities, and urban legend creatures who make themselves known here in the Mitten state in, you guessed it, ALPHABETICAL ORDER! Call it a Michigan Cryptid Glossary of sorts...

  1. Aliens

  2. Bessie ( Lake Erie Monster)

  3. Bigfoot

  4. Dewey Lake Monster

  5. Dogman / Michigan Dogman

  6. Elves

  7. Fairies

  8. Gaasyendietha (great lakes water monster) (Indigenious Spirit)

  9. Giant Green Squirrel of Amble

  10. Giants

  11. Gnomes / Le Nain Rouge

  12. Melon Heads

  13. Michigan Merman (Great Lakes)

  14. Mishepishu (Underwater Panter) (Indigenous spirit)

  15. Pressie (Lake Pressie Monster)

  16. Smeet Frog of Ypsilanti, MI (Urban Legend / Cryptid?)

There have been many UFO sightings in Michigan, including myself and my ex boyfriend, both experiencing what we thought were UFO's at the time but were essentially just balls of light so maybe more like fairies or light orbs of some sort. UFO's have been seen by the masses in both Grand Rapids and southeast Michigan dating back to the 1960's and even before then. You can learn more and browse the website for the Michigan MUFON chapter here. You can watch a mini doc here on YouTube about the Hillsdale College UFO sighting: Aliens in the Arb.

AKA the “Great Snake of Lake Erie,” the “Lake Erie Monster,” and “South Bay Bessie”. Most of these sightings happen in the south bay area, along the Ohio coast near the Lake Erie Islands. The first recorded sighting of her was by a ship captain on Lake Erie in 1793! Bessie is reported to move and behave like a snake, but she's GIANT, like 30-40 ft long giant!

Did you know there's been over 200 Bigfoot sightings in Michigan alone reported to Bigfoot researchers in Michigan! Thats a helluva lot of sightings to be a bunch of liars, if you ask me! Check out this map on this one Bigfoot Sightings website alone!

AKA the Sister Lake Sasquatch is different and distinct kind of bigfoot, first seen around 1964, that seems to suggest a more aquatic tribe that are cousins to the woodsy or cave and mountain dwelling sasquatch. The creature was described as being about 10 foot tall, covered in hair, weighing about 500lbs and with glowing eyes. If this Michigan creature originates from the Great Lakes area, it would make sense that they adapted to be half water or semi-aquatic in nature, seeing as we have so much natural water and lakes here in Michigan.

is our very own most famous, or should I say, infamous, of Michigan-specific cryptids and paranormal entities that have consistently been mentioned or seen throughout time and throughout the state. Michigan Dogman sightings date back to 1887. He even has a song that a Michigan radio host and DJ, Steve Cook, made a song about him called "The Legend of Dogman", after which his popularity SKYROCKETED and so did the sightings, many of which were just hoaxes or jokesters, but several true stories emerged as well. I personally think Dogman might be a werewolf, how about you?

According to The Real Fairies Podcast based out of our very own Traverse City, Michigan, the sisters who host the podcast say that they are in direct telepathic and psychic connection to a group of Elves, who have called the land and nature that we call Traverse City, home for a very long time. How cool is that!? To think we have a whole clan of elves just chilling here in Michigan with us!

Fairies have been sighted in Michigan for probably as long as the land and nature has existed here. I myself have had many fae and elemental experiences here in Michigan, as well as several paranormal experiences. Michigan is FULL of trees, and many fae live in trees. Even in the days of deforestation we are still rich in trees. Although I will say, its devastating that we cut down all of the old growth White Pines that used to cover our state, back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, Michigan was a huge logging state. The white pine is actually our state tree because of how many we used to have.

according to ancient Seneca mythology and traditions, is a giant lake serpent also known as "The Meteor Dragon" and lived in Lake Ontario. The serpent was known to be able to fly on fire as well as breathe fire (like a dragon)! It's known as a meteor dragon because according to legend it came to earth initially during a meteor impact!

apparently the city of Amble has a giant green squirrel with glowing eyes that change colors and its the size of a car! Sounds absolutely terrifying to me!

10. Giants

Its no secret that giant skeletons have been found all over the world, including in mounds, in caves, and in burial pits. Even here in Michigan, we have a rich and vast human history, including giants! There were two 8 foot skeletons found in Coldwater, MI, you can read the newspaper clipping here.

I know for a fact that gnomes are here in Michigan because I happen to have more than a few experiences with them here in Michigan, and have also captured photos of them hiding in my cottonwood tree in the back yard! Le Nain Rouge is our very own Detroit Dwarf, also known as the red gnome, or the Detroit Demon, or the Demon of the Strait. He's a short humanoid figure most commonly described as impish and red with hooved feet and a dark coat of fur. Legends of Nain Rouge tell us of him coming to warn fellow Detroiters of oncoming tragedies. The city even holds a yearly festival called Marche de Nain Rouge where they dress up and have a parade to march the demon out of Detroit, I haven't attended yet, but I feel as if we should allow the Nain Rouge to stay, he's been here a lot longer than we have and honestly if he's warning us of upcoming danger don't we wan't that around? I think casting him as a demon is rather rude, and we should definitely show him a bit more respect than that.

are not really a cryptid or a paranormal entity, rather, in my opinion, and according to legend, The Melon Heads are escaped deformed humans who escaped the grips of an evil doctor who did experiments on them and either gave them and/or caused hydrocephalus which causes the enlarged head which becomes bulbous and very alien like, causing the children and people to become essentially human bobble-heads. It's a quite sad story either way and I'm very saddened for them and have empathy for them and their experiences and trauma, if they do indeed exist.

in 1782 a fur trader spotted a merman in Lake Superior but dates back to earlier Ojibwe legends as the Maymaygwashi- The Lake Superior God of the Waters.

is an underwater water panther dragon that comes from Ojibwe legend and is one of the many spirits of the great lakes that the indigenous folks recognized and revered. Mishipeshu translates directly to "the Great Lynx" and is described to have the paws of a big cat, covered in scales, and has spikes running down its tail! It honestly sounds terrifying, I wouldn't wanna get on that guy's bad side!

15.  Pressie 

is said to inhabit Lake Superior and sightings of them start way back in the late 1800's when a man fell overboard and claimed a giant reptile creature tried to constrict him and kill him. Pressie is described as having a horses head with long jutting teeth, and to be about 75 feet long with a long neck! Very much similarly described as the Loch Ness Monster. And Michigan is said to have two of these lake monsters

is most likely an urban legend created originally by an unnamed street artist who posted a plaque with an image and a short paragraph with the legend of the smeet frog on it near the entrance to Frog Island in Ypsi. You can read about the legend of the Smeet Frog here on the Ann Arbor District Library Website.

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Well y'all, which #michigancryptid are you most intrigued by? Which one should I do a deep dive on first? Leave a comment or DM me however you see fit and give me your vote!

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If you have had a weird experience in Michigan and you want to talk about it, I’ll be interviewing and sharing stories from folks in Michigan who have had true encounters with cryptids, paranormal entities, UFOs, or any unexplained phenomena!

I’m specifically interested in Michigan Dogman, Ypsilanti Smeet Frog, Michigan Sasquatch, or Le Nain Rouge ( Detroit Dwarf), the Michigan Merman 🧜🏽‍♂️ , and any Great Lakes monster sightings, encounters, or first hand experience only please and thank you!

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All requests for anonymity will be respected!

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Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website, OR email me at 

May the fae and cryptids bless you,

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