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  • Writer's pictureAlex Hood

CJ Saw Something Strange

Updated: Aug 13

Welcome back FairyFindr Fam

Today for #MysteriousMichiganMondays we have a really awesome interview with local Michigander and my new friend, CJ. I was contacted by them after I reached out to the Reddit masses and asked in various Michigan and Cryptid subreddits if anyone has had any sightings, encounters, weird and/or paranormal first hand experiences that they would like to share for my blog.  I received quite a few direct messages and comments from folks who really wanted to share their experiences but didn’t know where or how to share it.

It’s a shame society is all so ready to condemn you and call you crazy or just a pathological liar when you’ve seen or experienced something unexplainable. This is a really weird world we live in and it’s even stranger than we could ever even begin to imagine. Just because you don’t believe in fairies doesn’t mean they don’t believe in you! Without wasting any more time, let’s get to CJ’s experiences!

(Grandfather Oak - Digital Artwork by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

The introductory message with CJ went as follows: 

CJ: “I have a story that happened in Livingston County. My friend rented a house and there were multiple incidents. Random field fires, a shadow man, we also saw something land in the back field, that we still don’t understand exactly what we saw, and rarely tell anyone about it. No one believed us, or just flat out won’t talk about it.”

And from there on I..WAS…HOOOKED. I needed to hear more of their story and that’s why we are here today, having this interview with them.

CJ shared with me that they aren’t originally from Michigan, like I am. They are from Rhode Island, which is known to have several strange and paranormal activities. Today we will be hearing about their experiences here in Michigan as well as their experiences in Rhode Island. In parts of our initial conversation they even said to me:

CJ: “What did surprise me was the neighbors who lived next door, and their complete denial. Like Stephen King shit. I moved back to the area temporarily, and nothing has changed. I still won’t drive down that road.”

CJ went on to explain their encounter here in Michigan:

CJ: “In Livingston County, my friend rented a house in a tiny township near the Ingham County border. From the moment he moved in there, weird shit happened both outside and inside the house.

I frequently took care of his dog Hank when he went Up North. During one of those times, I went over to feed Hank, take him out, etc. When we went back into the house, he started growling and the hair on him stood straight up. I saw a huge black shadow thing peer around the corner at us and then run down the hall into the bedroom. I heard a voice running behind me say ‘Don’t worry sweetie it can’t hurt you.’ Me and Hank left. I called my friend, and he was just like “YEP.” There were also random grass fires that started out of nowhere.

Then one night, 3 of us were all sleeping. Myself and a friend saw this thing with lights landing in his back property. Hank was FREAKING out! I still bring this up to him now, He went to fucking sleep! I was like ‘DUDE, there is a glowing thing in your backyard and you're going to sleep?!?!?!?!?’

We went out the next morning and couldn’t find anything in the field. He also woke up with hand prints on his stomach. Lots of strange animals came around. 

As for Rhode Island, That is a whole other story. I would be happy to share the stories from there. A lot of it goes back to the 13 colonies stuff.”

( Butterfly Watercolor - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

Alex the FairyFindr: 1 - Can you please describe the shadow figure person? 

2 - Was it a vague human shape or more detailed? 

3 - How tall was this figure?

4 - Was it thin or bulky?

5 - Could you tell if it was wearing any clothing? 

CJ: “The shadow figure was very tall. IT was very dark black, and you could not see through it. It also looked like it was wearing some type of hat, and a long  trench coat.“

This description is giving me big Hat Man vibes, anyone else?

Alex the FairyFindr: “You say it ran down the hall, could you physically see its feet and legs doing a running motion and could you hear footsteps on the floor in the hallway?

CJ: “It happened so fast I could not see if there were feet. I could hear and see it running down the hall. The dog had his hair standing up on his back, and followed it down the hall.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “Were there any other distinct or memorable features of this shadow figure person that you can describe here?”

CJ: “I just remember it was very black, and it was staring at me and the dog. The dog saw it first, and I saw it as soon as I went to walk back into the house. It turned and ran as the dog chased it down the hall.“

Alex the FairyFindr:”Pertaining to the voice running behind you that said ‘Don’t worry sweetie, it can’t harm you’...

1- When you say running do you mean it was trailing behind you? 

2- Were there any footsteps accompanying this entity that was comforting you?

3- Did you recognize this comforting voice at all?

4- Was the voice masculine, feminine, or neither?

5- Was there any accent?

6- Was the voice inside your ear or outside of your ear?

7- What volume was this message coming through at? A whisper? A normal speaking volume?

CJ: “The female voice I heard was behind me, and normal volume. She was comforting, and I didn't see her. She was just there. At the time, I didn’t know she was actually a relative of my friend who lived there.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “Approximately how long was this experience- with you and Hank,  the shadow being and the disembodied voice of comfort, altogether?"

CJ: “It seemed like it was forever, but probably 15 minutes? It happened very quickly, and I immediately called my friend.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “Did your friend, Hanks parent, ever have any other experiences with this shadow figure?”

CJ: “Yes, he had experiences happen to him.“

(Murder of Crows- Painting by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

Alex the FairyFindr: “Regarding the lights that landed in your friends’ backyard, I’d love any extra details you can remember from that experience. 

1 - What year was this? 

2 - About what time was it?

3 - What time of year was it? 

4 - Was the weather and sky clear otherwise?

5 - At what point did you first realize the light? What were you doing, I know you mentioned you were sleeping? Was it Hank barking and freaking out that woke you?

6 - About how big were the lights? You mentioned lights so I’m assuming it was more than one?

7- How far away was this from the window in which you and your friend and Hank witnessed this event?

8 - About how long was the experience? How long was the light in the backyard?

9 - What color was the light?

10 - Was the light(s) bright or dim, did it pulse or undulate between the two?

11 - Could you see any type of craft that these lights were attached to or just a ball of light?

12 - Did you have a phone or camera around to document it in any way?

13 - How did it move when it went to land in his backyard? 

CJ: “ This was around 2011 or 2012. Everyone was sleeping, it was around 3 am. There were very bright white lights. We heard no noise like engines or anything, and the dog was freaking out. He wanted to go outside, but we didn't let him. For some reason, my friend felt like he had to go back to sleep. None of us remember much after that. We went outside with the dog, and could not find anything other than broken branches.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “I would like some clarification regarding the handprint(s). 

1- Was this a separate occasion or was it the same time you were with him and saw the lights?

2 - Were there more than one handprint?

3 - Does your friend have any pictures or anything from the handprint(s) he found on his stomach? 

4 - Did the handprint(s) look human or like something else?

5 - Did it bruise?

6 - Were there any scratches or blood?

7- Were there any lasting effects or scarring after the event where this handprint was?

CJ: “We all felt uneasy in that house. Everyone had something happen in some form. I stopped by one day to help with a task he was working on. He told me he got shoved in the basement, and he had a huge handprint on his stomach. It looked like a bruise, you could make out 4 fingers and a thumb. It was a very large handprint, and no one I know has hands that size. There were no other marks on him, and I am not sure if someone took a picture. He moved shortly after that incident.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “These are all very fascinating, I would love to hear your Rhode Island stories too.

I just wanted to say that I believe you and I’ve had many many many paranormal experiences myself. 

What did the glowing things look like in your friend’s backyard, was it like a UFO craft or more of a bio luminescent entity?”

CJ: “It didn’t have any noise. They were like glowing lights but not lights you would see on an airplane or anything. This was before people had drones. It wasn’t common. There is a small airport nearby, but it wasn’t anything from there. We looked, and they normally don’t fly anything at night. It was always during the day. 

I tried to ask the weird guy next door, but he hardly went outside and just wouldn’t talk. Same with the lady across the street. She did say, ‘Yeah weird shit goes on here.’ 

There was also a black cat that came around, no one knows where it came from“

Alex the FairyFindr: “Very intriguing! Did the black cat act any way differently than a normal cat? I love how your neighbor just said ‘yea weird shit goes on here’ “

CJ: “ He did. He just showed up one day, and made friends with his dog, Hank. No one knew where he came from, and he would never come into the house. Just hung outside the back porch or front porch. Even during the winter.

We called him Al because one day we were asked ‘What’s your name?’ and my friend’s dog Hank went and spelled A L in the snow in the driveway. LOL. “

Alex the FairyFindr: “ I love that his name was AL, that’s so cool!

I’m not sure its paranormal but I do think cats are telepathic and way more psychically advanced than humans and maybe even inter-dimensional. 

Anything is possible. 

What’s your earliest paranormal experience that you can remember?”

CJ: “That was the house me and my brother lived in, in Rhode Island. We both had different experiences but they were similar. We didn’t realize that until later. “

(Spirit of the Forest - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

Alex the FairyFindr: “ What was your brother’s experience?

I just want to say again, I’m so thankful for you being so vulnerable with me and sharing your story. I believe you 100% and I’ve had dozens of paranormal, UFO, and fairy experiences myself, as well as sleep paralysis, light beings, light orbs, and smokey black demonic type spirits. So I’ve seen it all and honestly you’re safe with me and my audience, we are all interested in the same things.”

CJ: “He had some weird things happen in the boiler room that was our dad’s wood shop. I woke up around 2 or 3 am one time in our closet we had behind our pool table in the basement. I don’t know how I got there, and was terrified to move. We both had friends at one point or another that refused to stay the night over at the house.”

Alex the FairyFindr: “1- Can you please give me more detail of your brother’s experience in your dad’s wood shop or ask him for me?

2 - What year was this?

3 - Was this a separate occasion to you finding yourself in the closet or the same night?

4 - How big was the woodshop in the boiler room? What did it look like?

5 - What exactly did he experience? Give as much detail and clarifying information as possible please.

6 - Were there multiple experiences in this room?

7 - If so, do you and your brother think it was the same entity or multiple different ones?

CJ: “ This was in the mid 1980’s. These were separate occasions, and we didn’t tell each other right away. The wood shop was a small room in our finished basement that also had the boiler in it. My step dad used it as his wood shop where he would make furniture and things. It had tools and a table saw in it. He said he saw the room full of fire, but did not smell or feel it. He said it happened very quickly, and he didn’t go back in that room for a while.“

Alex the FairyFindr: “1- Tell me more about how you felt when you found yourself wake up in the basement closet?

2 - Were you in pain?

3 - Did you feel violated in any way? Emotionally, mentally physically, sexually, etc.

4 - What were your emotions and thoughts at this time?

5 - Can you describe this closet? How big was it, what did it look like?

6 - What time was it when you came to consciousness in the closet?  

CJ: “The closet was behind our pool table in another part of our finished basement. It had 3 huge wooden sliding doors from floor to ceiling, and it was a very large closet full of shelves. I somehow woke up in the middle of the night in the bottom of the closet, the doors were all slid shut. I was not sure how I got there. When I did tell my brother about that night, he told me about the boiler room. I wasn’t in pain or anything. I just woke up, and I was confused for a few minutes, and finally got up the nerve to open the door and run. Neither one of us went down there by ourselves for a while."

Alex the FairyFindr: “ Do you have a history of sleep walking?”

CJ: “I don’t know for sure. I have had friends say I was talking to someone (in my sleep).”

Alex the FairyFindr: “Were there any specific events or things that happened leading up to these friends of you and your brothers’ who refused to spend the night?

CJ: “No, there wasn’t anything specific. One of my friends from school was sleepwalking and she never came back over after that incident. She wouldn’t discuss it either. We had other incidents that happened over the years, but everyone agrees that house was strange. Some of it we didn’t share with each other until later. We both sort of felt like no one would believe me anyway. Once we realized we weren’t the only ones, we felt a little better about it.“

 (Psychedelic Mushroom Forest - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

Alex the FairyFindr: “ That’s very intriguing to me, I’m very interested in dreamwork and I believe when we are asleep we are actually just in the astral realm. 

Did you friends say what you said?”

CJ: “At this point in my life, I could care less that someone believes me. It is what it is and I don’t know what it is LOL”

Alex the FairyFindr: “ Fair enough.

I’ve seen fairies, light orbs, ghosts, black smokey figures, heard disembodied voices. 

My grandma was very psychic too, so it runs in my family.

Some of us are more open to contact for some reason. 

I had recurring visits from short dwarf/gnome like humanoids who did medical experiments on me as a kid.

I’ve had lots of weird shit happen to me lol

I believe you and your experience is valid!”

CJ: “Thanks, I guess there is more than what we know. I am curious about Michigan. My dad pointed out once I had a relative from here, and a cousin somewhere. For some reason we both moved here out of the blue.”

( Jackalope Portrait - Digital Art by CJ - Buy Prints Here! )

Alex the FairyFindr: “Michigan has some very interesting history and supernatural stories and beliefs– especially from the indigenous tribes who were here long ago.

It’s funny because people always say ‘Well I don’t believe in this or that’,  but go to church every Sunday and pray to some invisible god in the sky they have never physically experienced, and yet they have faith he exists. So backwards lol. 

We have actually seen and experienced things with our many senses and I believe in things I’ve physically experienced.”

Well FairyFindrs, that’s it for today let’s give CJ a big FairyFindr Family welcome and thank you for their kindness, bravery, and endless questions, as this stuff just absolutely intrigues me having so many weird and unexplainable experiences myself. Also go check out CJ’s art HERE! They’re an incredibly talented human and I’m happy to have met such a rad person! 

Thank you all for joining us for another magical interview!

✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀 ✨✨🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀🍀

Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website, OR email me at

May the fae bless you,

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1 Comment

Ammie Marshburn
Ammie Marshburn
Aug 05

This was very intriguing and a great read!

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