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  • Writer's pictureAlex Hood

Cina's Peeninos!

Hello FairyFindr Fam! .

I want to be more consistent with my FairyFindr blog because it inspires myself, it inspires others, it brings joy and awareness to mental health, connection to nature and the fae realm and the roots of creativity. We discuss all sorts of things here in the FairyFindr family, without ever holding back. That is why people are inspired by those of us who are open and honest about who and what we are and what they want in life.

Today I want to introduce you all to my friend Cina. She is a wonderful, creative, intelligent black female small business owner and mother who really shows resilience and perseverance throughout her whole life and how she runs her business. She's super inspiring to me and many others! I’ve been following her for a little over a year over on Instagram @peeninos ( ) and I absolutely cannot wait until I get a little peen of my own for Ye Towne of Marvelous Magical Miniatures! Without further ado, let’s get into the interview! 

(Exxxotica DC, 2022)

Please introduce yourself, including your names and your pronouns if you’d like. Tell us a bit about you as a person, artist, and entrepreneur. 

  • Answer: Hi, my name is Cina (see-nuh), and my pronouns are she/her. I'm a wife and a mom to two humans, a cat and a dog. I spend my downtime reading, watching reality shows and old detective shows like Columbo and Perry Mason, and finding new art-making methods. I graduated with a studio art degree, officially making me an interdisciplinary artist. I like to do all things. As a budding entrepreneur, I am dedicated to achieving my vision of success. Success to me is having the business pay for itself, seeing Peeninos develop a cult following, having Peeninos in all 50 states, and, most importantly, staying committed to accomplishing my goals.

What initially inspired you to start creating Peeninos? Can you share the story behind the first one you ever made?

  • Answer: During the pandemic, I got into resin art and tried various molds. When I found this penis mold online, I knew that I had to make one. When I made my first one, it was just a blank micro penis figure. It had no personality and wasn’t that cute to me. Funny but not super cute. So I added eyes and a smile, and magic happened. I always wanted to start a business selling handmade items. However, I always wondered if I sold something I painted and had to begin commercializing my painting style, would I be happy? I wanted to sell something  I made with my hands that I felt happy while doing but be something that I could commercialize and not feel like I was compromising my artistic value. I didn’t want to make a painting to match someone’s living room or hallway. When I looked into the little eyes and saw attitude? I knew this was something I could make and sell with passion and joy, plus I could see it becoming a product that I could expand into an entire brand and line.

(Adopted Peenino)

Can you describe a typical day in your life as a Peeninos creator?

  • Answer: I start my typical day by clearing my work table and organizing Peeninos at different stages of production in separate sections. This helps me plan the next steps for each section. I sort and organize my tools and accessories, and then check my molds for any wear and tear. After cleaning the molds, I put them away. I also clean the silicone mats I work on and prepare to make a Peenino.

How do you choose the materials for your Peeninos, and what goes into the production process?

  • Answer: Choosing materials is the easiest part of making Peeninos because it all rests on what would give me the most visually pleasing product. What products are higher in quality and offer the most flexibility in design? As a one-woman production company, everything goes into production—time management, inventory control, quality checks, and selecting the right materials is the easiest part of creating Peeninos because it depends on what will yield the most visually pleasing result. I aim for materials that offer high quality and provide flexibility in design. As a one-woman production company, I handle everything from production to time management, inventory control, and quality checks. Contrary to common belief, it takes me several days to create just one Peenino.. and so on. Contrary to what I think people believe, it is a multi-day process for me to make just one Peenino. 

How do you come up with new design ideas for your lil fellas? Do you take commissions or only sell originals that you create?

  • Answer: I look at the color(s) of the blank Peenino and allow an image of a personality to pop into my mind. Everyone I have made is a one-off. I examine the color or colors of the blank Peenino and let a personality come to mind. Each one I create is unique. I think that playing with dolls and giving them personalities throughout my life has made it easy for me to come up with new designs each time. I do take commissions, which are my favorite because it's fun to bring someone's vision for their personalized Peenino to life. I've received some really interesting requests.I really believe playing with dolls throughout my life and assigning personalities to them helped to make it easy for me not to repeat a design. I do take commissions; they are my favorite to do because it is fun to make someone’s vision for their personalized Peenino come to reality. I’ve had some pretty interesting requests, like a Peenino being bit by a shark with vomit on its "feet".

(Custom Peeninos - color request and items)

Are there any particular themes or messages you aim to convey through your art?

  • Answer: My message has always been about acceptance, tapping into the joy children experience when collecting figures and appealing to people's sense of humor. Peeninos are literal penis figures, but I have managed to make them non-binary, collectible, and instantly funny. When I see someone look at a Peenino, laugh, get closer, pick one up, and refer to them by whatever pronoun first pops into their head because of the design, I know my message was received.

What has been the most memorable reaction you've received from someone who has seen your Peeninos?

  • Answer: My most memorable experience was at an anime convention in 2023. A young woman walked past my table and did a double take. When she recognized what they were, she came closer to my table and laughed so hard she started crying. People usually laugh, but I don’t often get people who laugh so hard they cry, and that was the first time it happened.

Where do you usually sell your Peeninos, and what has been your most successful sales avenue?

  • Answer: I sell Peeninos online and in-person at conventions. My in-person sales have been my most successful sales avenue, and it stems from being able to pick out a Peenino that is theirs. I call it the Cabbage Patch Kid effect; everyone wants their very own, one that they immediately identify with, which becomes a more personal experience when you see the object up close. 

Have you ever collaborated with other artists or businesses to promote Peeninos?

  • Answer: I have not had the opportunity to collaborate with other artists or businesses. 

(Adopted Peeninos, 2021)

(Adopted Peeninos at home)

How do you respond to haters , criticism, or negative feedback about your art?

  • Answer: I've been fortunate not to receive any negative feedback. Most people are curious why I started making them, and when I respond, why not? Or because I wanted to do something fun, they've smiled and either told a story, purchased a Peenino, or walked away.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a unique and unconventional small business like yours?

  • Answer: The piece offers valuable advice for small business owners, especially those selling unconventional products. It emphasizes the importance of trusting the process and persevering through the challenges. The author encourages constant adjustment and optimization in various aspects of the business, highlighting the need to adapt in order to succeed. The message is clear: despite setbacks, it's essential to stay committed to the entrepreneurial dream. Through determination and belief in one's abilities, success is achievable. This mindset serves as the driving force behind the author's continuous efforts in their business endeavors.

Do you have any rituals or routines that help spark your creativity when you feel stuck?

  • Answer: When I feel stuck, I allow myself the time to rest and recharge. I entertain my other interests so that my creativity is energized from another outlet. Then I sit at my station, sometimes by will and other times by force and I close my eyes and pick a color and let the colors inspire me. I also pull from the belief my friends have in me, I can’t squander that belief in my dreams by not being intentional in achieving it. 

(Adopted Peeninos - February 2024)

What is the importance of humor during the creative process while  bringing these Peeninos to life?

  • Answer: Humor is NUMBER ONE! Because if I can’t find the joy and humor in looking at them when they are completed, then no one else will.

What has been the biggest lesson you've learned since starting your Peeninos business?

  • Answer: The biggest lesson I learned is that success looks different for each business and not to measure my businesses success by comparing it to others. It is hard as a startup, especially a small one in a niche genre.I’ve learned to look at milestones as success and means of motivating me to keep going. If I left it just to profit, I would have stopped two years ago. If I did that I would have missed out on seeing Peeninos being in 49 states in North America, including Washington, D.C. Several have been sold internationally, celebrities like Lalah Hathaway, Cree Summer, Rachel True and Stormy Daniels owning one, and making enough for the business to pay for itself. The brand is becoming recognizable and I have repeat customers that travel to find me. Profit will come but what I am receiving is truly priceless and fills me with a great sense of pride as an entrepreneur.

Do you have any plans to expand your product line beyond Peeninos in the future?

  • Answer: I plan to expand into a plushie line, which I am very excited about but that is still a ways down. A more quickly attainable plan is to branch out and have articles of clothing that are branded available.

(Manuel Peenino - Cina’s Personal Peenino, Japan 2023) 

What types of events or venues do you envision showcasing your Peeninos at in the future?

  • Answer: I envision selling Peeninos at more conventions, branching out of the anime/adult realm and seeing how they would do in LQBTQIA+ events/conventions. 

Have you ever had any unexpected opportunities or experiences arise from your work with Peeninos?

  • Answer: Every time someone wants to interview me is an opportunity and new experience. I went from an ambivert that leans more towards the introverted side of life, to someone that is interesting enough to be interviewed about the little penises that I make.  It’s pretty wild and cool to me.

How do you stay connected with your audience and customers?

  • Answer: .I stay connected mainly through instagram, although I have a Facebook page as well. Instagram has always been a very welcoming place social media wise and the most effective way that I have found to make new connections and stay connected with my audience. I have debated making a Facebook group page but I also feel too many social media outlets can become exhausting to manage. 

What kind of impact do you hope Peeninos will have on people who encounter them?

  • Answer:I hope that Peeninos just bring joy. You look at one and you want to laugh or smile for whatever reason. They instantly bring a feeling of joy and humor up. I want people to enjoy those moments in this all so serious world through them.

(Adopted Peenino - 22’)

What has been the most rewarding aspect of creating and selling Peeninos for you?

  • Answer: Just seeing the cross section of people that purchase them - people from all gender identities and ages. It’s also personally funny to me, to watch parents guide their children away who are drawn to them because they think they are something other than a penis. 

What are your ultimate goals for the future of Peeninos, both artistically and commercially?

  • Answer: Artistically, my ultimate goal is to create a line of kink Peeninos. I think they would be so hilarious. Commercially, it is to develop a large in-person client following that will intentionally look for Peeninos at events. 

Do you have any last words of wisdom or advice to anyone reading this interview today?

  • Answer: If your ultimate goal is to work for yourself, keep trying. There may be many incarnations of your business until you find that “thing” you can stick with. You may also find that “thing” immediately, but on the days when you’re wondering where did sales go? Where did your followers go? Just like Dory said in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming. 

Please share any socials or links and where you want folks to connect with you or commission a peen of their own?

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Thanks to Cina for being such a wonderful friend as well as being patient with me as im getting back into the swing of things and staying on top of this blog. I'm back and I'm going to try harder to be more consistent! I have a few blogs and interviews lined up so stay tuned FairyFindr fam! I'm super active on my Instagram @marvelousmagicalminiatures where I post all my mini and fairy content.

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Please leave a comment or message below and let us know how YOU got started in your magical or fairy related artwork or creative avenues! We can’t wait to hear your stories!! If you want to be a part of the blog and do your own magical interview of your dreams. Please feel free to find all our links on our LinkTree or connect on our FairyFindr Website, OR email me at

May the fae bless you,

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